i wondered/pondered on this my self along with mr. turks post on fatique.maybe
if it's harder for me .........when/if i reached my goals, it would have more
value placed upon it (for me , of course).my dad made me buy my own first
car.................so it would have more value to me as i had the sweat / work
factor in it and it then had a greater value placed upon it in my own
mind.....but to me...lifes about the journey, no the destination!sorry for the
rank. back to lurk mode. ol dad
Joe Amo wrote:
> Why is it that for some is comes easily and quickly, and for others it takes
> much longer and only after alot of hard work Joe
> Nt788@aol.com wrote:
> > Freud states, accomplishments are a result of the quest for that elusive
> > orgasm! Or was it Confucius?