List, usually reliable sources tell me the French Flathead 24 stud
block has the 59A style cast-on bellhousing, the center main bearing web
is strengthened, it has some bosses on it for military accessories, but
that our home-grown Henry Ford internals interchange in it. And most
important of all, Ardun heads will go on. Your mileage may vary.
It may look a little funny with its bosses, but my 2 cents worth is
there is no harm in letting it run with the other Flatheads at
Bonneville. But at a reported $1500 apiece, I won't be buying any when
good domestic blocks are available for $300. And probably many, many
thousands of them still out there in this great land. Cheers,
ArdunBill in the Great Dismal Swamp, Chesapeake, VA