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Full-name: BICWIG
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Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 19:17:32 EST
Subject: Re: Occupations
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OK. Here's my 2cents worth.
Jim Bodenheimer - Manufacturing maintenance technician in the injection
molding industry. Been in maintenance for 18 years. Former Funny Car
driver, currently head mechanic and jackman for the #83 Sandvik Chevy Hooters
Pro Cup team owned by my family. OK, I know we go in circles but the
experience really helps with engineering my Land Speed car. Hoping to build
a long car (Lakester/Streamliner) in the future. Married, wife Lori (on
list), 4 childeren (too numerous to list), one dog, and a habit for speed (be
it circle or straight). Lived in Burlington, NC most of my life with a 3
year stay in Silicon Valley to work in aerospace. Did contract work for
Lockheed, Pratt&Whitney, Rolls-Royce and GE. I can say that you guys are the
closest thing I know to the skunk works, but I've been to the Lockheed/Ames
research center in San Jose, CA and the security is pretty stout. The guy
with the rubber glove at the gate tipped it off. Anyway - keep the
occupations coming, very interesting - thanks Keith.