There has always been an argument concerning too many/not enough classes
dating back to the 30's dry lake racing. It was determined then that if
there was only one class, very few entrants would show up, but with many
classes, many entrants would show up. This trend continued in the early
50's when drag race rules were formulated. Many classes got out a good
turnout of entries.
Today we have lots of classes and few open records, which speaks to wide
participation. Most of us race ourselves, and if we have a class to run in
we'll be back next year to try to better last year's performance. We
nostalgia-engined entries are racing everybody back to the beginning because
we race the same equipment that was available in 1949. No where else that I
know of is this possible.
The object is to have some fun, so the more the merrier.
Dave The Hayseed