Gee Doug, you makin mee feel baddd now. Ya know
I got rid of the flatty for the roadster.
Course, I ain't runnin a cookie cutter chubby or
nothing. I mean, a 241 inch fifty year old
hemi's gotta count for something!
Dick J
--- Doug Anderson <>
> HELLO DAN! DOUG ANDERSON here -we met on
> the salt probably in '88 or
> '89. I was with all the ya-hooos from Montana
> -the salt circus bunch. '29
> A roadster with GMC power in XXO S/R. You
> were runnin' that way cool
> '34.....still got it? what, are ya goin'
> "overhead" on us ???? for shame
> for shame.
> Hey, WELCOME to the list. you're in
> for a good ride....
> "DIRTY DOUG", in
> exile, in New Yawk......
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