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Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 21:21:46 -0400
To: FastmetalBDF@aol.com
From: "a.b. shuman" <squarerollbars@yahoo.com>
Subject: Quashing a rumor on the flamed 300SL.
Mime-Version: 1.0
Just talked to "Windy." He emphatically denies he had anything to do with
flame-painting that 300SL.
He also confirms that he has never had a drink in his life. No alcohol at all.
No coffee either.
Tea? Just in the last two years,.. Snapple started him on the road to heck.
So, one more for the Urban Legends bin. (Nothing like JFK's "Ich bin....")
and I apologize for passing on bad info.
Mea culpa.