Greetings to all of you in List land,
With me being a special needs person (diabetic on dialysis), and with others
asking if I'd be coming to the salt, I have been trying to find information
about the availability of service in or near Wendover. I lucked up and
through my dialysis center, located a medical group in Boston who specializes
in locating and arrainging accomodations, for folks like me, in the U.S. (I
think that includes Maxton:-)) I'm checking them out for now, but if anyone
has a friend or relative who would like to attend one or some of these meets,
drop me a note and I will fill you in on what I have found as the info comes
in. I don't think I'm the only person with a slight health difficulty who's
addicted to speed (let's clarify this, the two and four wheel kind and on
occasion, six wheels or more when I can get away with it [I'm sorry officer,
I didn't know Kenworths weren't allowed to do 80 on the highway]). OK, so
I'm in a great mood today, couldn't help myself.
Mike in L.A. (Sitting on my balcony with a piture of lemonade enjoying
this terrific breeze. Hi Bev :-))