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Fossil fuel/Dinosaur oil?? l-o-n-g......

To:, brit cars <>,
Subject: Fossil fuel/Dinosaur oil?? l-o-n-g......
From: Don Kerr <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 00:38:34 -0500
Hi people, the interest in this so called 'Fossil Fuel 'theory has got
me thinking. For more than thirty years I have been an automotive
engineer. During that time I've traveled to many places and flown
hundreds of thousands of miles, mostly powered by oil derivative fuels,
of one sort or another. Now here's the thing.........
Q. Just how can you say that the oil deposits we drill for and use are
all from old dead animals.? Come on now, just think this out for a
minute. We now have large oil companies finding and producing oil in
nearly every continent of the globe and in every sea and some lakes too.
The projected life of this fuel is being constantly revised and current
predictions indicate another thirty years at least, at predicted levels
of consumption. Total estimated deposits now at " 2,272.5 billiom
barrels" (That's still down there!)...........I quote from,
C Masters,E Attanasi and D Root in their 'World Petroleum Assesment and
Analysis" published 1994 .
         Ok? Now, lets do some careful reasoning on the origins of this
oil that obviously is finite. The Energy organizations says or believe
that this fuel is a deposit made by rotting animal carcasses over
billions of years which became buried and eventually turned into oil,
this, including some vegetation,starting some 65 million years ago. We
know that there were some very large animals alive at the time you claim
this process started, judging by the size of those I've seen in the
Historical museums of the world, some weighed in at 3 to 4 tons or nine
thousand pounds or so, if we include the sea life too, especially the
whales, the amount of carcasses to produce this amount of oil is on the
order of impossible. "Why"? you say? Lets see if some imaginary
projection can make a realistic estimate of the amount of flesh to do
Shall we say that the average weight of a carcass, is, for the sake of
trying to prove this theory, about 
three thousand pounds, allowing for smaller and larger to even out.
Now, as we know, the mass of all living creatures is made up of 70 to
75% water, which obviously will not make oil. We also can safety say
that the bones of these creatures will also, due to their being calcium,
not contribute to the oil mass, as bones, in most animals is often 20%
or more of body weight.
So let us assume the total weight of an animal, less the non oil
producing matter is for the sake of proving this theory, around six
hundred pounds, but, oh! I forgot, there is also included in this weight
around 50% of matter that could never produce oil due to the chemical
composition that chemical physics says is a water soluble material. Wow!
now what? OK. Let's assume that one hundred 
pounds of each animal is oil producing, but then again the
paleontologists tell use that 'Sue" is a flesh eating animal, so now we
have less flesh to make oil. That is, we have to dial in the scavenger
beasts as clean up crew like the vultures today,
mmmmm, that kinda screws up the calculations a bit .........well Ok,
still we can assume at least twenty pounds of dead weight is about right
per animal, yes? So, how many twenty pound lumps of flesh would make a
gallon of oil? The other thing of course is the stuff has to get from
ground level to a thousand feet or more under the surface, become
compressed and heated and stay cooking for 60 million years, whilst all
the while, so the geophysicist tell us, the crust of the earth or
tectonic plates are scooting around, squishing under each other and
generally not staying still, and even now are still yet on the move.
So, as I was saying, how many twenty pound lumps of flesh make a gallon
of oil?
Well we all know that you can't get something from nothing so we must
say that of that twenty pounds maybe 10% will turn into oil. So now we
are down to 10% of twenty pounds which is errrrr.....TWO Pounds per
And just how much oil did you say the earth contained? Daily consumption
world wide is if I remember something in the order of 84 million barrels
per day. That's fifty five gallons a barrel, or eight pounds of oil per
gallon or four hundred and forty pounds per barrel. Lets say that of the
TWO lb. only a half a pound actually becomes oil. That means eight
hundred and eighty animals make up ONE barrel, so we can now say that
taking in to account a mass loss due to natural erosion, scattering,
eaten by scavengers, fly larvae grubs, macro biological degradation,
that we have to up the anti to maybe one thousand or even two thousand
animals per barrel.
Let's be conservative and say fifteen hundred animals per barrel, and
even at that I'm giving a lot away.
So, 84 million barrels a day, that's for how many years? and yes I know
vegetation is in the equation too.
Now......84 million x 55 x 1500 = 6930000000. oops, my calculator won't
go that high, and this is ONE DAYS CONSUMPTION, now come on, who's
kidin' who here? And this is projected for another 30 years!!!!!!!!!
You'll excuse me if I believe that oil deposits are a naturally
occurring phenomena, with nothing to do with
DINASAURS'....Even throwing in the trees and plants, this is a
stretch.....There were never enough of any of this stuff to make all
this oil/gas/methane/pentane/benzene/heptane, etc,etc. You don't suppose
that this oil lubricates the motion of the world and one day the planet
will seize up chucking everything to the east that's not nailed

.........DK...........just a thought.

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