Geez, they are close to identical. You're right,
the front pully is a long jobber. And I'm sure
that the Hilborn is lower than that monster carb
tha's on the Dodge. Thanks, that's some
interesting stuff.
dick j
--- wrote:
> Hi Dick, just got the yardstick out to measure
> the Ardun to compare with the Dodge. My
> present Ardun is an early block
> with the cast-on bellhousing but for comparison
> I measured where the
> block flange is on the late flathead block.
> Ardun measures (Dodge in parentheses)
> 1. 20" bottom of early oil pan to top of Ardun
> Hilborn injectors (26"
> bottom of pan to carb top)
> 2. 25" block flange to front of crank pulley
> (28", must be a big long
> pulley assy)
> 3. 30" wide at the valve covers (30" without
> the oil filter).
> 4. Weight?? Probably about the same as the
> Dodge (590).
> Based on this, the two are about the same size,
> the Dodge is longer with
> the stock pulley, and it is clear the Dodge
> heads will stick through the
> stock side hood panels of a '32 Ford roadster
> just like the Ardun
> (unless maybe the engines are set back halfway
> through the firewall! As
> has sometimes been done on race jobs). Cheers,
> ArdunBill
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