Working on the car this last Thursday evening the discussion came up on the
need for a harmonic balancer on my small block. I have one of those
expensive ones on it now and was told I do not need to have one on the
engine and to run without it. It was claimed the balancer is robbing me of
horsepower unnecessarily, that the engine was already balanced besides real
run time was short so the need for one was not there. What is your
experience and opinions out there, I know you have the right ones,
Dave Haller #93 C/GAlt
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: Cam Doctor problems
> In a message dated 02/29/2000 3:17:23 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << There is a product i am not sure if you are aware of called the Cam
> Doctor(I am not sure who makes this) and Cam Pro Plus made by Audie
> technology that does what you want to do it also will do all the input
> for you. It is made for exactly what you want to do. basically you put
> the cam in the fixture and hook the fixture input to a PC. then rotate
> the cam and it will intup all the numbers for you andf has many other
> neat features.. it is a little spendy but it is the tool for the job.
> I have no idea of their pricing but you might get some ideas here..
> Dahlgren
> >>
> Group,
> Speaking of Cam Doctor, I just spent a weekend at the San Diego Swap
> with Roy Creel, this years VP of SCTA. Seems that the guys at McGee Cams
> a Cam Doctor that was inoperative for some reason and worked a deal with
> whereby he could use the thing if he would get it fixed.
> Roy contacted the Cam Doctor Mfg. in Denver, made the arrangements,
> shipped it to them. It came back, supposedly fixed, but was still
> inoperative. Several months of un-returned phone calls later, Roy was in
> for a "Banger" seminar, then drove to Denver last week and took the local
> Sheriff to the guys home to get a check from the wife.
> Those of you who know Roy are aware of what a "straight-up" and
> innovative guy he is, so, buyer beware...........Ardun Doug in CA