That you are aware of the danger ought to inspire sense of protective
vigilance. It has been my experience when dealing with SCTA officials, that
they guard the sanctity of the amatuer sport very closely.
Recognition for those at the far reaches of the speed scale is a gracious
thing to give hard working enthusiasts.
Bonneville, its location, its physical, mental and financial demands, are
protection enough from many "fast buck" or "hollow glory" seekers
who would come to the sport with distasteful agendas.
Beyond that, it is up to the ambassadors -- each and every one of you who
love the salt -- to protect the salt and sport.
I am a storyteller, and the stories of Bonneville people are very good
stories to tell.
LandSpeed Louise
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>;
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: TLC and gold
>I may be selfish,but does this sport need to be "discovered"? If commercial
>interests saw an opportunity to popularize LSR on a large scale, i doubt
>of the enthusiasts on this list would like the end result. If some of us
>a problem with,i.e.electronic traction control ,imagine the F1 style
>that might show up between Maxton and El Mirage. Paranoia maybe,but i'd
>rather not be Ecclestoned. Bob .W in warm (60) uppastate N.Y.