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Your Gage Comments

Subject: Your Gage Comments
From: "Lawrence E. & Cathy R. Mayfield" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 03:56:07
I want to thank all who posted on the gage questions I asked. I now have to

I would like to say that the primary instrumentation is Oil Pressure, Tach,
Water Temp. These three gages are just below eye sight level (don't want to
take my eye off the road so to speak) and are in line horizontally with the
most important to me first (oil). All of the other things I thought I
wanted were for tuning on the chassis dyno. It seems to me that boost
pressure is very important because I'll be able to adjust while in the
cockpit. A/F indicator is a tuning aid. Fuel pressure because it may be the
first indication of lean running? Volts, well.. All these supplementary
gages are not in the line of sight so I shouldn't spend much time on them.
The tach has a shift light so primarily I'll be watching it to tell me when
(full manual automatic over drive). I will have a master cutoff switch
located on the panel as well as starter button and toggle switches for
ignition, fan, fuel pump, water pump(maybe). These are on the right side
where a simple sweep of the right fingers can shut eveything down. I will
have a switch on the left side for a tail light. 

The engine management computer that I plan on running has a data logging
feature so that should take care of everything but EGT. 

Now for the final *yeah, right!) question: do all of you use a fuze block
of some sort or do we just say to hell with fuzes and let 'er rip? 

mayf (anxiously awaiting)

L.E. Mayfield
124 Maximillion Drive
Madison, Al. 35758-8171

old >>>>>>>>   
new >>>>>>>>   <<<<preferred

Sunbeam Tiger, B9471136
Sunbeam Alpine Bonneville Land Speed Racer, 
'66 Hydroplane Drag Boat (390 FE)

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