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Re: Front Spoiler

To: "Ed Van Scoy" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Front Spoiler
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:40:26 -0600
BSR motorsports in Charlotte NC or my classic answer...Muscle Motorsports
both sell a product that is Hard Plastic.... I used it on the bottom of my
front air dam.... bout 1/8th of an inch thick and doesn't deflect real
easy.... can be used formed with a metal brake and might even form some
with the correct Heat..

available in Multiple colors too by the way


> From: Ed Van Scoy <>
> To:
> Subject: Front Spoiler
> Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000 11:41 AM
> Group;
> I am on another list (open-road racing) where a raging argument
> (discussion) is taking place regarding the "best" type of material to
> use to fabricate a front spoiler for a Corvette. Like land speed cars,
> about 1" from the deck is desired, and stiff enought as to not fold
> under with the wind. Also, like land speed cars, speeds in the 2-bill
> range are desired. However, since these races are run on uneven
> (sometimes bumpy) blacktop roads, fiberglass and metal are out as the
> car often bottoms out. A hard rubber or some other similar material
> would be preferable as it would give when ion contact with the pavement.
> I have used a spoiler made of hard plastic (ABS) for years, but the
> company is now out of business. Does anybody out there have a suggestion
> for a spoiler material. Can anybody offer a suggestion for a material,
> preferably cut-to -fit that would work as a front spoiler for a
> Corvette?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ed
> C/GT #128 
> In the desert, where it will be close to 80 deg today :)

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