Malcom, Richard Brown has NOT gone faster than the Fueling motorcycle record,
with a two way average, remember a record takes 2 runs, a qualifier and a
backup run, unforturnately something the Brown entry has yet to accomplish. Not
only that, but thrust driven is a far cry from wheel driven, each with its own
challenges, one likely to net higher speeds, but without the challenge of
pushing against mother earth to overcome drag. Does more challenging equal
more respect/credit? Would motor sports be what they are without the traction
to the ground thing (NASCAR, NHRA etc) Lets give credit where credit is due,
Fueling ran under the same sanctioning body as Brown (AMA) and ran WITHIN their
rules. Are you starting to see why many respect and pursue BNI/SCTA records
and their respective rules?
I hope these "Salvos" of debate fuel the record runs to come. Cheers Joe :)
Malcolm Pittwood wrote:
> Hello John.
> Tell Al Teague not to take a wheel off as Motorcycles or motorbikes have
> just two wheels. A three wheeler could be a Motor cycle with sidecar or
> 'cyclecar'. Its never a bike. I do not know what the AMA were thinking of
> with the Feuling claim of setting motorcycle records. A two wheeler has
> gone faster than his modified car - Richard Brown FIM supervised, AMA
> measured 333 mph kilo average speed.
> Malcolm Pittwood, Team Maximum Impulse - the rocket bike team.