Keith, I just had to comment on your wide runway
and "aint helicopters grand" thing. Back when i
wore weird clothes, and my helmet wasn't approved
for racing, i flew with a guy who was supposed to
land at Avaon Park, Florida. When we were on
short final on a comm out approach, he noticed
that there was a bunch of stupid idiots driving
all over the airfield (he thought they were the
crazy Army Rangers we were going to meet). Not
only that, at the last minute he realized we were
approaching on a taxiway, not a runway. Then I
screamed that we were at Sebring - not Avon Park,
and those were race cars - not Rangers. He
aborted with maybe six or eight seconds to spare.
It wasn't a helicopter - - we were in an MC-130!
He got grounded and retired about two months
later!! True story - so help me.
Dick J - - ECTA #72