Thanks for the reply Dan, again, I figured now was the time, and
here was the place to give some input. It sounds like you've been down this
very road before with little interest, especially when you weigh it against
what would be involved in implementing such a change. Just wanted to share
some thoughts with the group!
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Warner []
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 8:10 AM
To: Ferguson, Darrell
Subject: Re: Running Fuel ?
Darrell and list,
That suggestion has been brought up in the past, and yet again. The
who proposed fuel in MS class is building a fuel hemi and only has a
GT car
to put it in. It was decided that in this case his proposal was
limited in
scope. The entrants in a given class generally have the input to
validity to a rule change such as this, there seems to be no
interest in
this change for year 2000.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ferguson, Darrell <>
To: '' <>
Date: Thursday, November 11, 1999 4:00 PM
Subject: Running Fuel ?
>With the upcoming rules committee meetings, I had a question
>vehicle classification. In the past I have seen suggestions for new
>and had seen replies where if 3 or more competitors would petition
for a
>class, then the SCTA would allow it on the grounds that there was
>interest. My question arose from a discussion regarding the 4 seat
>restriction in Comp Coupe. If you had built a wild competition
>would otherwise fall into CC, except out of a 2 seater, then the
car would
>have to run in Modified Sports (with some minor variances). Within
MS you
>are restricted to running gasoline only for a fuel, with the
exception of
>adding Nitrous Oxide. Had I built a 2 seater along the lines of
>Potter's Salt Sonnet, I also would be restricted to gasoline. If CC
>opened up to 2 seater vehicles such as a Corvette, I feel that
>would, in a way be unfair to the competitors currently in CC. Has
>proposed, or suggested segregating MS into gas and fuel classes.
This would
>make the class similar to many others within the SCTA (streamliner,
>lakester, CC, Alt and others)? I don't run in MS nor do I plan to
>soon, but thought I might make this suggestion to see if there was
>interest amongst other competitors.
>Darrell Ferguson
># 939 BBFALT