A MAXWELL. Hmmmmm. I guess it's back to Barnes
and Noble to do some more research. When I
bought it, the guy said he wasn't sure if it was
a 1923 Buick or a 1924 Plymouth. Actually, he
said Mopar, not Plymouth, and I knew it couldn't
be Dodge or Chrysler, since they were both pretty
big cars back then. The car does, in fact, look
very much like a cross between a 1923 and 1927
Model T. The cowl looks a lot like '23, the rest
of the body resembles a '27 except that it has a
more rounded rear deck and the wheel cutouts are
quite bit deeper and more flowing than a Ford.
--- V4GR@aol.com wrote:
> If its not a Plymouth maybe its a Maxwell since
> that's what became Plys. At
> any rate it will be able to run as a street
> roadster or a modified if it is
> pre 28. If it is post 27 than it can run in any
> roadster class. If it is
> about the size of a T it will be considered
> pre. If its about the size of an
> A it will be accepted post. I think you will
> find the inspectors will work
> with you to help you have a class legal car.
> Rich Fox
Dick J - - ECTA #72
G/FCC - - ??/Roadster
(Roadster under construction
still seeking an identity)