All this time I was thinking of putting a Cosworth Vega engine in my Monza.
Then I find out that they cost about half the national dept to build one.
Think I'll stick with my plan to build me a 180 inch V-6/60 Chevy engine.The
reason is I want to work my up in speed without hurting myself or other's. I
don't feel that I'm ready to rotate the earth with my first engine.It would
be stupid on my part to even think of going out in my Monza and running
200mph. at Maxton.So is a bigger engine in my plan's hell yes some day I want
to go over 200.Hey Chuck Rothfuss has a ball with a 80cid engine. To me
that's what this is all about. I would not trade the freind's I've made or
fun for anything.
Thank's Randy Williams
ECTA # 845