Just finished unpacking from the gas up - what a great time -
The sun shone all day - but didn't get too hot
Most of the Hall of Fame (those still living) members were in attendance
Lots and lots of really nice people came - and we all got to visit with
people we only see once or twice a year
The food was great
The raffle prizes were wonderful
The bar was great
Wish I had more energy, because by 6PM I was exhausted and had to go
back to the motel and take a nap
Had breakfast Sunday morning at Ellen's Pancake House across the street
from Mendenhall's -
the best breakfast in three counties
Hope everyone else had as much fun -
We are hoping to have some photos on the web site towards the end of the
week - so don't forget to check
We keep hearing good things from the salt flats - got our fingers
crossed and
hoping we will see you all at Bonneville October 20