It doesn't have to be stock rear, it just can't be a quickchange. A Ford 9"
is the best way to go. Lot's of gears to play with.
A 3.5 rear gear, 26" tire and 7,000 rpm should equal 155 MPH as long as you
got the HP. This would be in the ball park for Maxton.
John Beckett
At 04:04 PM 6/20/99 EDT, ECTA845@aol.com wrote:
>Well, Now you've you done it Keith. The reason you don't hear from me more
>is i'm still gathering parts for my Monza.I will admit after much thought I
>will start in the Production class most likley E/PRO.Thanks to Tom,Jonh and
>Keith I have been spending alot of time looking at what Rear Gear to run in
>my Monza.But here lies my problem I'm limited to a 3:42 or 3:73 to use at
>Maxton (PRO rules = stock rearend).Is there a affordable software program to
>help with gearing and tires?What Dia?Do I use the loaded radius?I looking to
>spin my engine no faster than 7000 RPM's as this will be my first try at LSR
>i'm trying to keep it with in my reach. Many thanks to all
> Randy
>(MONZAMILER) Williams