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And of course misadjustment=C2=A0 will burn these out in no time =E2=80=A6
Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS
On Monday, September 23, 2024, 11:47 AM, Bob Spidell via Healeys <healeys@a=
utox.team.net> wrote:
Yes, there are crap solenoids in the wild (side note: there's also rumors =
that bad actors were buying surplus Lucas boxes and putting Chinese crap in=
Years ago, our own Michael Salter acquired some legit Lucas/quality soleno=
ids and offered them for sale. For once, I was smart enough to grab one eve=
n though I didn't need it at the time, but did a few years later. Since the=
plunger shouldn't wear, and the windings should last a long time the most =
likely failure point is, well, the points (there are two in the solenoids: =
a momentary 'pull up' set and a 'sustain' set--why the circuit should have =
a slow blow fuse). I don't know if they have any internal arc protection, b=
ut you could probably rig something external, though given the cycles the s=
olenoid experiences it shouldn't really be an issue. Same issue is in point=
s ignition and our beloved S.U. fuel pumps: arcing across the points when a=
coil field collapses causes erosion of the points due to metal transfer. C=
apacitors ('condensers') and diodes can mitigate erosion but, eventually, t=
he points will pit and possibly stick.
On 9/23/2024 1:48 AM, Simon Lachlan via Healeys wrote:
The other day my overdrive stopped working. (For the nth time. Toyota 5 spe=
ed please Santa).
Anyhow, it failed what I called the =E2=80=9Cclick test=E2=80=9D so I was 9=
9% sure that the fault was electric. First off, it=E2=80=99s fused so the w=
iring was unlikely to be fried and the fuse had not blown The relay passed =
its bench test and the throttle switch was OK. So, I was pretty sure it was=
the solenoid=E2=80=A6..maybe the gearstick switch but didn=E2=80=99t seem =
So, I dismantled down to the solenoid. Not too serious in a BT7 and much he=
lped by having tunnel cover held down by stainless steel screws into rivnut=
Put a test lamp in lieu of the solenoid. Lamp lit up when OD was =E2=80=9CO=
n=E2=80=9D and stick was to the right. So, the problem WAS in the solenoid =
and final proof was its replacement by a spare which solved the problem.
I took the rubber cover off the top and there was no evidence of frying etc=
. All looked good. The solenoid was dead as a dodo=E2=80=A6.putting it acro=
ss a spare 12v battery didn=E2=80=99t induce a sound or a twitch.
Now, the question(s)=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6are there dud ones out there? Why/how=
did it fail?=20
Just curious=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.
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And of course misadjustment will burn these out in no time =E2=80=A6<=
br><br><br><div class=3D"yahoo-signature"><a style=3D"font-size:12px" href=
>Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS</a><br></div><br><p class=3D"yahoo-q=
uoted-begin" style=3D"font-size: 15px; color: rgb(132, 115, 255); padding-t=
op: 15px; margin-top: 0px;">On Monday, September 23, 2024, 11:47 AM, Bob Sp=
idell via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net> wrote:</p><blockquote clas=
s=3D"iosymail"><div id=3D"yiv4478537795"><div>
Yes, there are crap solenoids in the wild (side note: there's also
rumors that bad actors were buying surplus Lucas boxes and putting
Chinese crap in them).<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
Years ago, our own Michael Salter acquired some legit Lucas/quality
solenoids and offered them for sale. For once, I was smart enough to
grab one even though I didn't need it at the time, but did a few
years later. Since the plunger shouldn't wear, and the windings
should last a long time the most likely failure point is, well, the
points (there are two in the solenoids: a momentary 'pull up' set
and a 'sustain' set--why the circuit should have a slow blow fuse).
I don't know if they have any internal arc protection, but you could
probably rig something external, though given the cycles the
solenoid experiences it shouldn't really be an issue. Same issue is
in points ignition and our beloved S.U. fuel pumps: arcing across
the points when a coil field collapses causes erosion of the points
due to metal transfer. Capacitors ('condensers') and diodes can
mitigate erosion but, eventually, the points will pit and possibly
stick.<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<div id=3D"yiv4478537795yqt74551" class=3D"yiv4478537795yqt5655969198">=
<div class=3D"yiv4478537795moz-cite-prefix">On 9/23/2024 1:48 AM, Simon Lac=
hlan via
Healeys wrote:<br clear=3D"none">
<blockquote type=3D"cite">
</blockquote></div></div><div id=3D"yiv4478537795yqt96051" class=3D"y=
iv4478537795yqt5655969198"><title></title><div><p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D=
other day my overdrive stopped working. (For the nth time.
Toyota 5 sp</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-=
gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span la=
ng=3D"en-gb">eed please Santa).</span></p>
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">Anyhow,
it failed what I called the =E2=80=9Cclick test=E2=80=9D so I w=
as 99%</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span =
lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> sur=
e that the fault
was electric.</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"e=
n-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span =
lang=3D"en-gb"> First off, it=E2=80=99s fused so the wiring
was unlikely to be fried and the fuse had not blown</span><span=
lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></s=
pan><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> The relay passed
its bench test and the</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span =
lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></sp=
an><span lang=3D"en-gb"> throttle switch was OK.</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"=
></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=
=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> So, I was pre</span><span lang=3D"e=
n-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span =
lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb">tty sure it was the
solenoid=E2=80=A6..maybe the gearstick switch but didn=E2=80=99=
t seem
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">So, I
di</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></spa=
n><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-=
gb">smantled down to the
solenoid. Not too serious in a BT7</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"><=
/span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D=
"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> and much helped by
having tunnel cover held down by stainless steel</span><span la=
ng=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span=
><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> screws into
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">Put a
test lamp</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb=
"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=
=3D"en-gb"> in lieu of the solenoid. Lamp lit up
when OD was =E2=80=9COn=E2=80=9D and stick was to the right</sp=
an><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en=
-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb">. So, the prob=
WAS in the solenoid and final proof was its replacement by a
spare which solved the problem.</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></sp=
an><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en=
-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span></p>
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">I
took the rubber cover off the top and there was no evidence
of</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></spa=
n><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-=
gb"> frying etc. All
looked good.</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en=
-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span l=
ang=3D"en-gb"> The solenoid was dead as a
dodo=E2=80=A6.putting it across a spare 12v batter</span><span =
lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></sp=
an><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb">y didn=E2=80=99t induce=
sound</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></=
span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"=
en-gb"> or a twitch</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb">=
</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=
=3D"en-gb">.</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span>=
<span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb=
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">Now,
the quest</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb=
"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=
=3D"en-gb">ion(s)=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6are there dud ones out there?
Why</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></sp=
an><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en=
-gb">/how</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><sp=
an lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"> =
did it fail?</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span>=
<span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb=
"> </span></p>
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">Just
<p dir=3D"LTR"><span lang=3D"en-gb">Simon</span><span lang=3D"en-gb">=
</span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=
=3D"en-gb"></span><span lang=3D"en-gb"></span></p>
<br clear=3D"none">
</div></div></div><div class=3D"yqt5655969198" id=3D"yqt87681">__________=
_____________________________________<br clear=3D"none">Support Team.Net <a=
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