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Re: [Healeys] End of an era

To: Perry Small <healeyguy@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] End of an era
From: HealeyRick <healeyrik@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 22:34:29 -0400
Cc: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
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References: <61896750-E6EA-4847-BB10-5AC87C385044.ref@aol.com> <61896750-E6EA-4847-BB10-5AC87C385044@aol.com>

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Watching all our Healey friends age, including myself, isn't a lot of fun.
Some of us have been on the Healey list for about 30 years now, I think. We
were once all those cool kids that had the best cars, now we're a bunch of
old guys in our sunset years. I loved Perry as one of those Nasty Boy guys
and as we both had some time in Oahu and knew some of the same people there
was an extra bond. We're all going through the same thing now. I still love
my Healeys and don't want to let them go one second sooner than we have to.
But what am I going to do with all those tools, Healey parts, and memories?
I've got a couple of sons, but do I want to stick them with these cars?
I've been thinking of my next Auction Report column for the Healey Marque
and does the term "brown furniture" ring any bells?  "Brown furniture"
refers to all the antiques our parents placed so much value in that nobody
cares about anymore. I think that's where our Healeys are heading. I just
hope we all got enough joy from them that their value as collectors' items
isn't going to concern us anymore. I'd love to hear your thought on this as
I still have to fill up my Auction Reports column in the Healey Marque

On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 1:37=E2=80=AFPM Perry Small via Healeys <
healeys@autox.team.net> wrote:

> All things come to an end and our ownership of our BN1 and BN2 has ended.
> The red 1955 BN2 was my first car that I bought for $275 in 1965.
> I scrounged up the funds delivering newspapers. That car followed us to
> Hawaii then back to PA and on to South Carolina. The modified BN1 I bough=
> and built while living in Hawaii . Sold it to a guy in California only to
> buy it back years later.
> Probably have had 50 Healeys, big and little ones over the years. Maybe
> there is another one waiting out there for us but in a few days when the
> transport arrives to take Red and Yellow to their new homes things will b=
> different.
> The garage will only hold the daily driver, tools that will not be used
> for vehicle maintenance anymore and miscellaneous other things that will
> need to be cleaned out hopefully before what ever comes next. Kimberley
> jokes with me and others that she gets to =E2=80=9Cgo=E2=80=9D first so t=
hat she does not
> have to clean up the =E2=80=9Cstuff=E2=80=9D!
> I have known probably 40 or more other Healey owners that have previously
> visited the same chain of events and I always thought it would somehow be
> different but it=E2=80=99s not. These little British beasts really get un=
der your
> skin but they also still bring a smile to your face .
> All the best to you and yours.
> Perry and Kimberley
> Sent from my iPhone
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div dir=3D"ltr">Watching all our Healey friends age, including myself, isn=
&#39;t a lot of fun. Some of us have been on the Healey list for about 30 y=
ears now, I think. We were once all those cool kids that had the best cars,=
 now we&#39;re a bunch of old guys in our sunset years. I loved Perry=C2=A0=
as one of those Nasty Boy guys and as we both had some time in Oahu and kne=
w some of the same people there was an extra bond. We&#39;re all going thro=
ugh the same thing now. I still love my Healeys and don&#39;t want to let t=
hem go one second sooner than we have to. But what am I going to do with al=
l those tools, Healey parts, and memories? I&#39;ve got a couple of sons, b=
ut do I want to stick them with these cars? I&#39;ve been thinking of my ne=
xt Auction Report column for the Healey Marque and does the term &quot;brow=
n furniture&quot; ring any bells?=C2=A0 &quot;Brown furniture&quot; refers =
to all the antiques our parents placed so much value in that nobody cares a=
bout anymore. I think that&#39;s where our Healeys are heading. I just hope=
 we all got enough joy from them that their value as collectors&#39; items =
isn&#39;t going to concern us anymore. I&#39;d love to hear your thought on=
 this as I still have to fill up my Auction Reports column in the Healey Ma=
rque</div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_at=
tr">On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 1:37=E2=80=AFPM Perry Small via Healeys &lt;<a =
href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net";>healeys@autox.team.net</a>&gt; wrote=
:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.=
8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">All things com=
e to an end and our ownership of our BN1 and BN2 has ended. The red 1955 BN=
2 was my first car that I bought for $275 in 1965. <br>
I scrounged up the funds delivering newspapers. That car followed us to Haw=
aii then back to PA and on to South Carolina. The modified BN1 I bought and=
 built while living in Hawaii . Sold it to a guy in California only to buy =
it back years later. <br>
Probably have had 50 Healeys, big and little ones over the years. Maybe the=
re is another one waiting out there for us but in a few days when the trans=
port arrives to take Red and Yellow to their new homes things will be diffe=
rent. <br>
The garage will only hold the daily driver, tools that will not be used for=
 vehicle maintenance anymore and miscellaneous other things that will need =
to be cleaned out hopefully before what ever comes next. Kimberley jokes wi=
th me and others that she gets to =E2=80=9Cgo=E2=80=9D first so that she do=
es not have to clean up the =E2=80=9Cstuff=E2=80=9D!<br>
I have known probably 40 or more other Healey owners that have previously v=
isited the same chain of events and I always thought it would somehow be di=
fferent but it=E2=80=99s not. These little British beasts really get under =
your skin but they also still bring a smile to your face . <br>
All the best to you and yours.<br>
Perry and Kimberley <br>
Sent from my iPhone<br>
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