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Re: [Healeys] Healeys Digest, Vol 15, Issue 310

To: "healeys@autox.team.net" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Healeys Digest, Vol 15, Issue 310
From: Craig Cooper via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 16:39:57 +0000 (UTC)
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: healeys@autox.team.net
References: <mailman.2.1665684002.8557.healeys@autox.team.net>

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 Time to let go
How do I get in touch with Kent McLean who posted he is selling his BN2 on =
10-13-22, or can you forward this to him?
Craig Coopercraiginchico@gmail.com
    On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 01:55:10 PM PDT, healeys-request@autox=
.team.net <healeys-request@autox.team.net> wrote: =20
 Send Healeys mailing list submissions to
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 healeys@autox.team.net

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 healeys-request@autox.team.net

You can reach the person managing the list at
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 healeys-owner@autox.team.net

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Healeys digest..."
Today's Topics:

=C2=A0 1. Re: Speedos... no not that kind, (r3m1g4@gmail.com)
=C2=A0 2. Re: Tightening bolts (simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com)
=C2=A0 3. It's time to let it go (Kent McLean)
<!--#yiv5162356531 _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv5162356531 #yi=
v5162356531 p.yiv5162356531MsoNormal, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531MsoNor=
mal, #yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt=
;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv5162356531 a:link, #yiv5162356531 s=
pan.yiv5162356531MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv51=
62356531 span.yiv5162356531EmailStyle18 {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;=
color:windowtext;}#yiv5162356531 .yiv5162356531MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.=
0pt;} _filtered {}#yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531WordSection1 {}-->
>>Locating the O-rings might be a problem.


McMaster-Carr (https://www.mcmaster.com/) has a broad selection of O-rings,=
 including square cross sections.


Mike Garvey
1967 BJ8/38046
Swampscott, MA

<!--#yiv5162356531 _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv5162356531 #yiv5162356531 p=
.yiv5162356531MsoNormal, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531MsoNormal, #yiv5162=
356531 div.yiv5162356531MsoNormal {margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-si=
ze:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv5162356531 a:link, #yiv516=
2356531 span.yiv5162356531MsoHyperlink {color:#0563C1;text-decoration:under=
line;}#yiv5162356531 a:visited, #yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531MsoHyperli=
nkFollowed {color:#954F72;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5162356531 p.yiv51=
62356531msonormal0, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531msonormal0, #yiv51623565=
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11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531=
EmailStyle18 {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;color:windowtext;}#yiv51623=
56531 span.yiv5162356531EmailStyle19 {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;col=
or:windowtext;}#yiv5162356531 .yiv5162356531MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt=
;} _filtered {}#yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531WordSection1 {}-->
Thanks for the replies. Coppaslip wins the day.



From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Simon Lachlan v=
ia Healeys
Sent: 10 October 2022 12:30
To: 'Healeys' <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Tightening bolts


I had to loosen the bolts attaching the hinges on my BT7 the other day. 6 o=
f them turned quite easily after some fairly hefty initial work. One needs =
a couple of whacks with an impact driver to get it started and one was just=
 plain loose.

So, now I want to tighten them up. Plainly, I want to be able to undo them =
again at some time or other=E2=80=A6.

Does the team think that something like Coppaslip (or whatever it=E2=80=99s=
 called) is a good idea. Half of me says, =E2=80=9CUse it. You=E2=80=99ll b=
e able to tighten them up that little bit more while still being able to un=
do them later=E2=80=9D.

And the other half says, =E2=80=9CDon=E2=80=99t use it. It will enable the =
bolts to loosen themselves off.=E2=80=9D

Which half of me is right???


I've owned my 1956 100 since April of 1974. I bought it with the =3D
intention of restoring it, but life has gotten in the way and it is =3D
still waiting for my attention. It is with a heavy heart that I've =3D
resigned myself to passing along the dream.=C2=A0 Contact me off-list, =3D
subject line BN2, and I'll give you the details. First detail: it is =3D
located in New Hampshire, USA. The list has first dibs; if it doesn't =3D
sell here, it goes to eBay.

Kent McLean
'56 100 and '60 Bugeye

Healeys mailing list

archives:=C2=A0 http://autox.team.net/archive

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html><head></head><body><div class=3D"ydpadd2466eyahoo-style-wrap" style=
=3D"font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px=
        <div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false">Time to let go</div><div dir=
=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"fa=
lse">How do I get in touch with Kent McLean who posted he is selling his BN=
2 on 10-13-22, or can you forward this to him?</div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-s=
etdir=3D"false"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false">Thanks,</d=
iv><div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-s=
etdir=3D"false">Craig Cooper</div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false">cr=
        </div><div id=3D"yahoo_quoted_6541249583" class=3D"yahoo_quoted">
            <div style=3D"font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, s=
                    On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 01:55:10 PM PDT, heale=
ys-request@autox.team.net &lt;healeys-request@autox.team.net&gt; wrote:
                <div><div dir=3D"ltr">Send Healeys mailing list submissions=
 to<br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a ymailto=3D"mailto:heale=
ys@autox.team.net" href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net";>healeys@autox.tea=
m.net</a><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">To subscribe=
 or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">&nb=
sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys"; =
iv><div dir=3D"ltr">or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'hel=
p' to<br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a ymailto=3D"mailto:hea=
leys-request@autox.team.net" href=3D"mailto:healeys-request@autox.team.net"=
>healeys-request@autox.team.net</a><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><di=
v dir=3D"ltr">You can reach the person managing the list at<br></div><div d=
ir=3D"ltr">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a ymailto=3D"mailto:healeys-owner@autox.team=
.net" href=3D"mailto:healeys-owner@autox.team.net";>healeys-owner@autox.team=
.net</a><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><div dir=3D"ltr">When replying=
, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<br></div><div dir=3D=
"ltr">than "Re: Contents of Healeys digest..."<br></div>Today's Topics:<br>=
<br>&nbsp;  1. Re: Speedos... no not that kind, (<a ymailto=3D"mailto:r3m1g=
4@gmail.com" href=3D"mailto:r3m1g4@gmail.com";>r3m1g4@gmail.com</a>)<br>&nbs=
p;  2. Re: Tightening bolts (<a ymailto=3D"mailto:simon.lachlan@alexarevel.=
plus.com" href=3D"mailto:simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com";>simon.lachlan@a=
lexarevel.plus.com</a>)<br>&nbsp;  3. It's time to let it go (Kent McLean)<=
br><div id=3D"ymsg97079" class=3D"ymsg3301009271" src=3D"mid://AGAIZjVtdmyC=
Y0h7Lgbd0NquHY4/3.1"><div id=3D"yiv5162356531"><style><!--
#yiv5162356531 =20
 _filtered {}
 _filtered {}
 _filtered {}
#yiv5162356531 =20
#yiv5162356531 p.yiv5162356531MsoNormal, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531Mso=
Normal, #yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531MsoNormal
=09{margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}
#yiv5162356531 a:link, #yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531MsoHyperlink
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#yiv5162356531 .yiv5162356531MsoChpDefault
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#yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531WordSection1
--></style><div><div class=3D"yiv5162356531WordSection1"><p class=3D"yiv516=
2356531MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Helvetica, sa=
ns-serif;">&gt;&gt;Locating the O-rings might be a problem.</span></p><p cl=
ass=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:=
Helvetica, sans-serif;"> &nbsp;</span></p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNorma=
l"><span style=3D"font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;">McMa=
ster-Carr (<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=3D"_blank" href=
=3D"https://www.mcmaster.com/";>https://www.mcmaster.com/</a>) has a broad s=
election of O-rings, including square cross sections.</span></p><p class=3D=
"yiv5162356531MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">Mik=
e Garvey<br>1967 BJ8/38046<br>Swampscott, MA</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531Ms=
oNormal"> &nbsp;</p></div></div></div></div><div id=3D"ymsg40044" class=3D"=
ymsg3301009271" src=3D"mid://AGAIZjVtdmyCY0h7Lgbd0NquHY4/3.2"><div id=3D"yi=
#yiv5162356531 =20
 _filtered {}
 _filtered {}
#yiv5162356531 =20
#yiv5162356531 p.yiv5162356531MsoNormal, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531Mso=
Normal, #yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531MsoNormal
, sans-serif;}
#yiv5162356531 a:link, #yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531MsoHyperlink
#yiv5162356531 a:visited, #yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531MsoHyperlinkFoll=
#yiv5162356531 p.yiv5162356531msonormal0, #yiv5162356531 li.yiv5162356531ms=
onormal0, #yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531msonormal0
, sans-serif;}
#yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531EmailStyle18
=09{font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;color:windowtext;}
#yiv5162356531 span.yiv5162356531EmailStyle19
=09{font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;color:windowtext;}
#yiv5162356531 .yiv5162356531MsoChpDefault
 _filtered {}
#yiv5162356531 div.yiv5162356531WordSection1
--></style><div><div class=3D"yiv5162356531WordSection1"><p class=3D"yiv516=
2356531MsoNormal">Thanks for the replies. Coppaslip wins the day.</p><p cla=
ss=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">Simon</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">=
 &nbsp;</p><div><div style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;pa=
dding:3.0pt 0cm 0cm 0cm;"><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal"><b><span lang=
=3D"EN-US" style=3D"">From:</span></b><span lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D""> Heal=
eys &lt;healeys-bounces@autox.team.net&gt; <b>On Behalf Of </b>Simon Lachla=
n via Healeys<br><b>Sent:</b> 10 October 2022 12:30<br><b>To:</b> 'Healeys'=
 &lt;healeys@autox.team.net&gt;<br><b>Subject:</b> [Healeys] Tightening bol=
ts</span></p></div></div><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</p><p =
class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">I had to loosen the bolts attaching the hi=
nges on my BT7 the other day. 6 of them turned quite easily after some fair=
ly hefty initial work. One needs a couple of whacks with an impact driver t=
o get it started and one was just plain loose.</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531=
MsoNormal">So, now I want to tighten them up. Plainly, I want to be able to=
 undo them again at some time or other=E2=80=A6.</p><p class=3D"yiv51623565=
31MsoNormal">Does the team think that something like Coppaslip (or whatever=
 it=E2=80=99s called) is a good idea. Half of me says, =E2=80=9CUse it. You=
=E2=80=99ll be able to tighten them up that little bit more while still bei=
ng able to undo them later=E2=80=9D.</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal"=
>And the other half says, =E2=80=9CDon=E2=80=99t use it. It will enable the=
 bolts to loosen themselves off.=E2=80=9D</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNo=
rmal">Which half of me is right???</p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">T=
hanks, </p><p class=3D"yiv5162356531MsoNormal">Simon</p></div></div></div><=
/div><div id=3D"ymsg49824" class=3D"ymsg3301009271" src=3D"mid://AGAIZjVtdm=
yCY0h7Lgbd0NquHY4/3.3">I've owned my 1956 100 since April of 1974. I bought=
 it with the =3D<br>intention of restoring it, but life has gotten in the w=
ay and it is =3D<br>still waiting for my attention. It is with a heavy hear=
t that I've =3D<br>resigned myself to passing along the dream.&nbsp; Contac=
t me off-list, =3D<br>subject line BN2, and I'll give you the details. Firs=
t detail: it is =3D<br>located in New Hampshire, USA. The list has first di=
bs; if it doesn't =3D<br>sell here, it goes to eBay.<br><br>Kent McLean<br>=
'56 100 and '60 Bugeye<br><br><br></div>___________________________________=
____________<br>Healeys mailing list<br><a ymailto=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.=
team.net" href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net";>Healeys@autox.team.net</a>=
<br><a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys"; target=3D"_b=
bsp; <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive"; target=3D"_blank">http://aut=

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