Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Opps! check that-panel and ignition warning bulbs are the same item-=0A2=
.2W #BFS987 on all cars from 100 thru 3000. Also no ground on the=0Aigni=
tion warning only the headlight high beam. Wire from lamp comes=0Afrom t=
he voltage regulator terminal D or W and the white wire goes to=0Ayour i=
gnition switch center terminal (on). Good contact is essential.=0ARegard=
s, Hank=0A=0A=09-----------------------------------------From: gradea1@c=
harter.net=0ATo: "simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com"=0ACc: "kags@shaw.ca=
", "Healey List"=0ASent: Saturday September 10 2022 4:34:40PM=0ASubject:=
Re: [Healeys] Main beam warning light=0A=0A Simon-if you have good eye=
sight and a steady hand, CAREFULLY,=0Aslightly open the tabs on the rea=
r of the chrome ring-just a slight=0Abit-if you move them too much they=
will break off. Now rotate the ring=0Ato the open slots. Don't let the=
glass fall out. Carefully lift from=0Athe seal. Remove and clean glass=
inside-don't bung the needle, but the=0Alittle circle you can probably=
push out from the rear lamp opening-yes=0Ait is just s small piece of a=
cetate or Mylar. Replace the circle with=0Athe blue one-maybe a very sma=
ll drop of airplane glue on edge if it=0Atends to fall out-if tight good=
- if loose it will be laying in the=0Abottom of the gauge after a few mi=
les. =0A Now rotate the ring back into place and just push the tabs down=
a=0Asmall bit, softly-I use a wood coffee stick-again so you don't brea=
k=0Athem off-they are brittle from chroming. Clean the outside of the=0A=
glass and replace the rubber "O" ring which is actually a square=0Arubbe=
r to be correct. Best of luck. =0A For the ignition lamp, make sure you=
have the correct bulb-it is not=0Athe same as the panel bulb-its bright=
er. Needs a good ground as well.=0AHank=0A=0A=09------------------------=
----------------- From: "Simon Lachlan via=0AHealeys"=0A To: kags@shaw.c=
a=0A Cc: "Healey List"=0A Sent: Saturday September 10 2022 12:35:54PM=0A=
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Main beam warning light=0A=0A=09Well, thank you=
all for your replies. =0A=0A=09I don=E2=80=99t normally put much stock=
in the Clausager book, except for=0Acolour pictures. However, I did fin=
d this which does help:-=E2=80=9CBlah=0Ablah=E2=80=A6At the bottom of th=
e speedometer was a high beam warning lamp,=0Aoriginally red but changed=
to blue on some export cars from chassis=0A14171 on the 3000 MarkII=E2=
=80=9D. =0A=0A=09Now, bearing in mind that the UK calibration people see=
m to want to=0Atake months to do a speedo, I bought a decent-looking but=
=0Anon-functional unit from Michael. Hence the speedo came from over the=
=0Apond or maybe somewhere even more exotic=E2=80=A6.Which may relate to=
the=0A=E2=80=9Csome exports=E2=80=9D bit?? =0A=0A=09One last question,=
actually two:- =0A=0A=09* How easy is to get the little lamp thing out=
of the dial so that I=0Acan swap my red for blue?=0A =09* With regard t=
o my tacho, the red light has always been practically=0Ainvisible. I=E2=
=80=99m pretty sure that, back in the dim distant past (could=0Abe 20+ y=
ears), I put a piece of red plastic into an otherwise empty=0Ahole. (100=
% intact except for the red bit). The guy at=0ASpeedograph-Richfield sai=
d that the red was just something cut from a=0Apiece of red acetate. Is=
that so? Seems hard to imagine how=E2=80=A6..=0A=0A=09Any ideas? =0A=0A=
=09Simon =0A=0A=09FROM: kags@shaw.ca =0ASENT: 10 September 2022 16:15=0A=
TO: simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com=0ACC: Healey List =0ASUBJECT: RE:=
[Healeys] Main beam warning light =0A=0A=09Hi Simon: =0A=0A=09My BT7=
tri-carb, which is very close to yours in serial number from=0Aprevious=
conversations, has a blue high beam warning light (red=0Aignition warni=
ng light). I doubt that the UK / European cars were=0Adifferent =E2=80=
=93 no indication of different speedo / tach part numbers in=0Athe origi=
nal parts books, but perhaps another UK lister could chime in=0Ahere and=
verify. I suspect that it=E2=80=99s a typo in the Anderson Moment=0Aboo=
k. The referral to =E2=80=98ratio=E2=80=99 is the number that insures th=
at the=0Aspeedo head is is properly matched to the different rear axle r=
atios=0Athat were used during the 6 cyl production - up to the BJ8, whic=
h went=0Ato black instrument faces, and an electronic tach, as Bob indic=
ates. =0A=0A=09Earl Kagna =0A=0A=09Victoria, BC =0A=0A=09BT7, BJ8 =0A=0A=
=09FROM: Healeys ON BEHALF OF Simon Lachlan via Healeys=0ASENT: Saturda=
y, September 10, 2022 1:41 AM=0ATO: 'Healeys' =0ASUBJECT: [Healeys] Main=
beam warning light =0A=0A=09We=E2=80=99re looking at a MkII BT7 here=
=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6. =0A=0A=09So, my speedo has just come back f=
rom calibration and, comparing it=0Ato the one still in the car I see th=
at the former has a RED =E2=80=9CMain=0Abeam warning light=E2=80=9D wher=
eas the latter, still in the car, has a BLUE=0Aone. =0A=0A=09The bible,=
Anderson & Moment, is confused and confusing on the topic.=0APage 104:-=
=E2=80=9C=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6next was the speedometer, with a number on i=
ts=0Aface indicating its ratio, and which included a mileage meter,=0Are=
settable odometer, and the RED =E2=80=9Cignition=E2=80=9D (discharging)=
warning=0Alight=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.On the right was the tachome=
ter with a number on the=0Aface indicating the ratio, and incorporating=
the RED high-beam warning=0Alight.=E2=80=9D =0A=0A=09Now, unless that a=
ll refers to LHD cars, that=E2=80=99s just a muddle.=0ADoubtless subject=
to subsequent corrections. =0A=0A=09However, it leaves me confused as t=
o which colour is correct. =0A=0A=09So=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=
=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6? =0A=0A=09Thanks, =0A=0A=09Simon =0A=0A=09 [1] =
=0A=0A=09Virus-free.www.avast.com [2] =0A=0A=09 =0A=0ALinks:=0A---=
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><body>Opps! check that-panel and ignition warning bulbs are=
the same item- 2.2W #BFS987 on all cars from 100 thru 3000. Also=
no ground on the ignition warning only the headlight high beam. W=
ire from lamp comes from the voltage regulator terminal D or W and the w=
hite wire goes to your ignition switch center terminal (on). Good contac=
t is essential. Regards, Hank<br><br><div class=3D"reply-new-signature">=
</div><p>-----------------------------------------</p>From: gradea1@char=
ter.net<br>To: "simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com"<br>Cc: "kags@shaw.ca"=
, "Healey List"<br>Sent: Saturday September 10 2022 4:34:40PM<br>Subject=
: Re: [Healeys] Main beam warning light<br><br>=0ASimon-if you have good=
eye sight and a steady hand, CAREFULLY,=0Aslightly open the tabs on the=
rear of the chrome ring-just a slight=0Abit-if you move them too much t=
hey will break off. Now rotate the=0Aring to the open slots. Don't let t=
he glass fall out. Carefully=0Alift from the seal. Remove and clea=
n glass inside-don't bung=0Athe needle, but the little circle you can pr=
obably push out from=0Athe rear lamp opening-yes it is just s small piec=
e of acetate or=0AMylar. Replace the circle with the blue one-maybe a ve=
ry small drop=0Aof airplane glue on edge if it tends to fall out-if tigh=
t good- if=0Aloose it will be laying in the bottom of the gauge after a=
few=0Amiles.=0A<div><br></div>=0A<div>Now rotate the ring back into pla=
ce and just push the tabs=0Adown a small bit, softly-I use a wood coffee=
stick-again so you=0Adon't break them off-they are brittle from chromin=
g. Clean the=0Aoutside of the glass and replace the rubber "O" ring whic=
h is=0Aactually a square rubber to be correct. Best of luck. </div>=
=0A<div><br></div>=0A<div>For the ignition lamp, make sure you have the=
correct bulb-it=0Ais not the same as the panel bulb-its brighter. Needs=
a good ground=0Aas well. Hank<br><br><div class=3D"reply-new-sign=
"Simon Lachlan via Healeys"<br>=0ATo: kags@shaw.ca<br>=0ACc: "Healey Li=
st"<br>=0ASent: Saturday September 10 2022 12:35:54PM<br>=0ASubject: Re:=
[Healeys] Main beam warning light<br><br><div class=3D"WordSection1">=
=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span>Well, thank you all for your=0Areplies.<=
/span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span>I don=E2=80=99t normally put m=
uch stock in the=0AClausager book, except for colour pictures. However,=
I did find=0Athis which does help:-=E2=80=9CBlah blah=E2=80=A6At the bo=
ttom of the speedometer=0Awas a high beam warning lamp, originally red b=
ut changed to blue on=0Asome export cars from chassis 14171 on the 3000=
MarkII=E2=80=9D.</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span>Now, bearing=
in mind that the UK=0Acalibration people seem to want to take months to=
do a speedo, I=0Abought a decent-looking but non-functional unit from M=
ichael. Hence=0Athe speedo came from over the pond or maybe somewhere ev=
en more=0Aexotic=E2=80=A6.Which may relate to the =E2=80=9Csome exports=
=E2=80=9D bit??</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span>One last quest=
ion, actually=0Atwo:-</span></p>=0A<ol style=3D"margin-top:0cm;" start=
=3D"1" type=3D"1"><li class=3D"MsoListParagraph" style=3D"margin-left:0c=
m;"><span>How=0Aeasy is to get the little lamp thing out of the dial so=
that I can=0Aswap my red for blue?</span></li>=0A<li class=3D"MsoListPa=
ragraph" style=3D"margin-left:0cm;"><span>With=0Aregard to my tacho, the=
red light has always been practically=0Ainvisible. I=E2=80=99m pretty s=
ure that, back in the dim distant past=0A(could be 20+ years), I put a p=
iece of red plastic into an=0Aotherwise empty hole. (100% intact except=
for the red bit). The guy=0Aat Speedograph-Richfield said that the red=
was just something cut=0Afrom a piece of red acetate. Is that so? Seems=
hard to imagine=0Ahow=E2=80=A6..</span></li>=0A</ol><p class=3D"MsoList=
Paragraph"><span>Any ideas?</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoListParagraph"><=
span>Simon</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span> </span></p>=
=0A<div>=0A<div style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1pt;paddin=
g:3pt 0cm 0cm 0cm;">=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b><span lang=3D"en-us">Fr=
om:</span></b>=0A<span lang=3D"en-us">kags@shaw.ca <kags@shaw.ca><=
br><b>Sent:</b> 10 September 2022 16:15<br><b>To:</b> simon.lachlan@alex=
arevel.plus.com<br><b>Cc:</b> Healey List <healeys@autox.team.net>=
<br><b>Subject:</b> RE: [Healeys] Main beam warning light</span></p>=0A<=
/div>=0A</div>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"> </p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNorm=
al"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;">Hi=0ASimon:</span></p=
>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;=
"> </span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=
=3D"font-size:14pt;">My=0ABT7 tri-carb, which is very close to yours in=
serial number from=0Aprevious conversations, has a blue high beam warni=
ng light (red=0Aignition warning light). I doubt that the UK / European=
cars were=0Adifferent =E2=80=93 no indication of different speedo / tac=
h part numbers=0Ain the original parts books, but perhaps another UK lis=
ter could=0Achime in here and verify. I suspect that it=E2=80=99s=
a typo in the=0AAnderson Moment book. The referral to =E2=80=98ra=
tio=E2=80=99 is the number=0Athat insures that the speedo head is is pro=
perly matched to the=0Adifferent rear axle ratios that were used during=
the 6 cyl=0Aproduction - up to the BJ8, which went to black instrument=
faces,=0Aand an electronic tach, as Bob indicates.</span></p>=0A<p clas=
s=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;"> </s=
pan></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-siz=
e:14pt;">Earl Kagna</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en=
-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;">Victoria, BC</span></p>=0A<p class=3D"Mso=
Normal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;">BT7, BJ8</span></=
p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt=
;"> </span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us" style=
=3D"font-size:14pt;"> </span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span la=
ng=3D"en-us" style=3D"font-size:14pt;"> </span></p>=0A<div>=0A<div=
style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1pt;padding:3pt 0cm 0cm 0=
cm;">=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b><span lang=3D"en-us">From:</span></b>=
=0A<span lang=3D"en-us">Healeys=0A<<a>healeys-bounces@autox.teamnet</=
a>> <b>On Behalf Of</b>=0ASimon Lachlan via Healeys<br><b>Sent:</b> S=
aturday, September 10, 2022 1:41 AM<br><b>To:</b> 'Healeys' <<a>heale=
ys@autox.team.net</a>><br><b>Subject:</b> [Healeys] Main beam warning=
light</span></p>=0A</div>=0A</div>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=
=3D"en-us"> </span></p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">We=E2=80=99re look=
ing at a MkII BT7 here=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.</p>=0A<p class=3D"Mso=
Normal">So, my speedo has just come back from=0Acalibration and, compari=
ng it to the one still in the car I see=0Athat the former has a RED =E2=
=80=9CMain beam warning light=E2=80=9D whereas the=0Alatter, still in th=
e car, has a BLUE one.</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">The bible, Anderson=
& Moment, is confused and=0Aconfusing on the topic. Page 104:- =E2=
=80=9C=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6next was the speedometer,=0Awith a number on its=
face indicating its ratio, and which included=0Aa mileage meter, resett=
able odometer, and the RED =E2=80=9Cignition=E2=80=9D=0A(discharging) wa=
rning light=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.On the right was the tachometer w=
ith=0Aa number on the face indicating the ratio, and incorporating the=
=0ARED high-beam warning light.=E2=80=9D</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">No=
w, unless that all refers to LHD cars,=0Athat=E2=80=99s just a muddle. D=
oubtless subject to subsequent=0Acorrections.</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNorma=
l">However, it leaves me confused as to which=0Acolour is correct.</p>=
=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">So=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=
=A6=E2=80=A6?</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Thanks,</p>=0A<p class=3D"Mso=
Normal">Simon</p>=0A<div>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"en-us">=
</span></p>=0A<table class=3D"MsoNormalTable" border=3D"1" cellspa=
cing=3D"3" cellpadding=3D"0" style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #D3D4=
DE 1pt;"><tbody><tr><td width=3D"55" style=3D"width:41.25pt;border:none;=
padding:9.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt;">=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"=
&utm_campaign=3Dsig-email&utm_content=3Demailclient">=0A<span st=
yle=3D"text-decoration:none;"><img border=3D"0" height=3D"29" style=3D"h=
eight:.3055in;" src=3D"https://s-install.avcdn.net/ipm/preview/icons/ico=
n-envelope-tick-round-orange-animated-no-repeat-v1.gif" alt=3D"width=3D"=
></span></a></p>=0A</td>=0A<td width=3D"470" style=3D"width:352.5pt;bord=
er:none;padding:9pt .75pt .75pt .75pt;">=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=
=3D"line-height:13.5pt;"><span style=3D"font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial=
, sans-serif;color:#41424E;">Virus-free.<a href=3D"https://www.avast.com=
ig-email&utm_content=3Demailclient"><span style=3D"color:#4453EA;">w=
ww.avast.com</span></a></span></p>=0A</td>=0A</tr></tbody></table><p cla=
ss=3D"MsoNormal"> </p>=0A</div>=0A</div>=0A</div></body></html>
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