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In addition to the comments below, it might also depend upon what kind of t=
errain you plan to do most of your hauling in. Will you be hauling in mostl=
y flat land or will you be in mostly hilly or even mountainous terrain? I w=
ould suspect that hilly & mountainous terrain might be hard on the turbocha=
rger.Gary Hodson=C2=A0
-----Original Message-----
From: richard mayor <boyracer466@gmail.com>
To: Charles Rice <crice_home@glasgow-ky.com>
Cc: healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thu, Aug 12, 2021 9:08 am
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Trailer advice
I think it depends on your definition of a "typical car hauler trailer".=C2=
=A0 Assuming you mean an open trailer, is it single axle or dual axle. Stee=
l or aluminum. The question is - what does it weigh and what does your Suba=
ru weigh? Then add 2100 lbs for your BN2.=C2=A0 Check your owners manual fo=
r your Subaru's towing limitations.=C2=A0 It's not just about having enough=
power to tow a trailer ...... you also have to stop it.=C2=A0 There's an o=
ld saying about trailers -"You don't want the tail to be wagging the dog".=
On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:46 PM Charles Rice via Healeys <healeys@autox.te=
am.net> wrote:
I have a 2020 Subaru Outback, turbo engine.=C2=A0 Can it safely pull my BN2=
on a typical car hauler trailer?Thanks =E2=80=93 Chappy BN2=C2=A0
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<div style=3D"color:black;font: 12pt Comic Sans MS, sans-serif;">In additio=
n to the comments below, it might also depend upon what kind of terrain you=
plan to do most of your hauling in. Will you be hauling in mostly flat lan=
d or will you be in mostly hilly or even mountainous terrain? I would suspe=
ct that hilly & mountainous terrain might be hard on the turbocharger.
<div>Gary Hodson <br>
<div style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black"><font=
size=3D"2">-----Original Message-----<br>
From: richard mayor <boyracer466@gmail.com><br>
To: Charles Rice <crice_home@glasgow-ky.com><br>
Cc: healeys <healeys@autox.team.net><br>
Sent: Thu, Aug 12, 2021 9:08 am<br>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Trailer advice<br>
<div id=3D"yiv5443948020">
<div dir=3D"ltr">I think it depends on your definition of a "typical car ha=
uler trailer". Assuming you mean an open trailer, is it single axle o=
r dual axle. Steel or aluminum. The question is - what does it weigh and wh=
at does your Subaru weigh? Then add 2100 lbs for your BN2. Check your=
owners manual for your Subaru's towing limitations. It's not just ab=
out having enough power to tow a trailer ...... you also have to stop it.&n=
bsp; There's an old saying about trailers -"You don't want the tail to be w=
agging the dog". <br clear=3D"none"></div>
<br clear=3D"none">
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020gmail_quote">
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020yqt8709633697" id=3D"yiv5443948020yqt99024">
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020gmail_attr" dir=3D"ltr">On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at =
11:46 PM Charles Rice via Healeys <<a shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:h=
ealeys@autox.team.net" href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net" target=3D"_bl=
ank" rel=3D"noreferrer noopener">healeys@autox.team.net</a>> wrote:<br c=
<blockquote class=3D"yiv5443948020gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px =
0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex;">
<div lang=3D"EN-US">
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020gmail-m_4253420705521305540WordSection1">
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020MsoNormal">I have a 2020 Subaru Outback, turbo e=
ngine. <u></u><u></u></div>
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020MsoNormal">Can it safely pull my BN2 on a typica=
l car hauler trailer?<u></u><u></u></div>
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020MsoNormal">Thanks =E2=80=93 Chappy BN2<u></u><u>=
<div class=3D"yiv5443948020MsoNormal"><u></u> <u></u></div>
<div id=3D"yiv5443948020gmail-m_4253420705521305540DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-=
4E2AA1F9FDF2"><br clear=3D"none">
<table style=3D"border-top:1px solid rgb(211,212,222);"><tbody><tr><td cols=
pan=3D"1" rowspan=3D"1" style=3D"width:55px;padding-top:13px;"><a shape=3D"=
rect" href=3D"https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=3Demail&utm_so=
utm_term=3Dicon" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noreferrer noopener"><img src=3D"=
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