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Re: [Healeys] Speedo Drive Thread Size?

To: "'Harold Manifold'" <manifold@telus.net>, "'healeys@autox.team.net'" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Speedo Drive Thread Size?
From: Henry G Leach via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2021 17:44:41 +0000 kbaBEXA4q6PrK7ggJSMlKEOUNorkDI6mf8ubASOpnZrmxu9BXXztr9LaJvzIDmERv553MF+OWH62FtclY3FIIjQHYZY5NM+q/7U=
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: healeys@autox.team.net
Importance: Normal

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Harold-you can get these parts at: https://britishfasteners.com/=0AThey=
 have all the British sizes and tools to boot including BSC! Hank=0A=0A=
=09-----------------------------------------From: "Harold Manifold via=
=0AHealeys" =0ATo: "Ken Fleming via Healeys"=0ACc: =0ASent: Sunday Augus=
t 8 2021 9:27:29AM=0ASubject: [Healeys] Speedo Drive Thread Size?=0A=0A=
=09Just when I thought I had a handle Whitworth, BSPP, BSPT, SAE, UNF,=
=0Aetc. along comes BSC (British Standard Cycle). The threads on the=0At=
ransmission speedo drive and the angle drive are not the best and=0Acoul=
d use a refreshed. The pitch is 26 TPI and the diameter is =C2=BE=E2=80=
=9D=0Aas best I can measure. After searching Google the closest match I=
=0Acould find is 3/4" X 26 TPI BSC. =0A=0A=09I have never heard of Briti=
sh Standard Cycle before. Can anyone=0Aconfirm if this is the tread size=
? =0A=0A=09Harold =0A=0A=09

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<html><body>Harold-you can get these parts at:&nbsp;https://britishfaste=
ners.com/<div><br></div><div>They have all the British sizes and tools t=
o boot including BSC!&nbsp; Hank<br><br><div class=3D"reply-new-signatur=
e"></div><p>-----------------------------------------</p>From: "Harold M=
anifold via Healeys" <healeys@autox.team.net><br>To: "Ken Fleming via He=
aleys"<br>Cc: <br>Sent: Sunday August 8 2021 9:27:29AM<br>Subject: [Heal=
eys] Speedo Drive Thread Size?<br><br>=0A<div class=3D"WordSection1">=0A=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Just when I thought I had a handle Whitworth,=0AB=
SPP, BSPT, SAE, UNF, etc. along comes BSC (British Standard=0ACycle). Th=
e threads on the transmission speedo drive and the angle=0Adrive are not=
 the best and could use a refreshed. The pitch is 26=0ATPI and the diame=
ter is =C2=BE=E2=80=9D as best I can measure. After searching=0AGoogle t=
he closest match I could find is 3/4" X 26 TPI BSC.</p>=0A<p class=3D"Ms=
oNormal">&nbsp;</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">I have never heard of Briti=
sh Standard Cycle=0Abefore. Can anyone confirm if this is the tread size=
?</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Harol=
d</p>=0A<p class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>=0A</div>=0A</healeys@autox.tea=


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