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Re: [Healeys] Tunnel cover nuts and bolts.

To: "simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com" <simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Tunnel cover nuts and bolts.
From: Bob Haskell via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 16:51:26 -0400
Cc: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
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Factory parts list shows that the fiberglass tunnel is held in place 
with 6 PTZ807 (7/8" long) and 2 PTZ808 (1" long) screws. Underneath the 
head of each screw is a flat washer (53K3157) and a rubber grommet 
(AHB9268) in the tunnel's flanges that the screws go through.


Bob Haskell
Austin Healey 3000 BN7/BT7 registrar

On 8/2/21 4:35 PM, Richard Kahn via Healeys wrote:
> My cover is held in place with Phillips screws.
> With the cover off, this is a good time to add the clutch bleeder 
> extension so you can access it in the engine compartment.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 2, 2021, at 1:25 PM, simon.lachlan@alexarevel.plus.com wrote:
>> Dealing with my overdrive has led me to remove the tunnel cover on my 
>> car which is a MkII BT7 centre-shift.
>> The tunnel cover is held down by nuts that tighten down onto bolts 
>> which come up through the floor pan. A couple of mine are broken off 
>> and the rest are a pretty average dogâ??s breakfast. I havenâ??t looked 
>> underneath but Iâ??d guess that the bolts are spot-welded to the floor 
>> pan from underneath???
>> Am I right?
>> And what size are these nuts and bolts?
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
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