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Re: [Healeys] Austin Healey Parts Lists for the BN4 through BJ8 are now

To: <jnew@hazelden.ca>, <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Austin Healey Parts Lists for the BN4 through BJ8 are now online
From: <ahbn6@verizon.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2019 14:04:46 -0500
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: healeys@autox.team.net
References: <20190114112305.Horde.0O0PqjplepPWehYWoBbkrgt@hazelden.ca> <026901d4ae52$e1dd6040$a59820c0$@aon.at> <20190117135628.Horde.EWqTonOr-99ujDc4KFEIcLT@hazelden.ca> <20190120103232.Horde.8TMmjeNWzhjo2Dbo19DG7AX@hazelden.ca>
Thread-index: AQG/whfQrjhDqnGABPw/qJCnZ7r8ZAKpibRmAWnKtZwCUbckzqWvOL9A
I had no trouble printing these from my site. Must print in landscape mode. I 
use Microsoft Edge as my browser

John Sims, www.healey6.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of jnew@hazelden.ca
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 10:33 AM
To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Austin Healey Parts Lists for the BN4 through BJ8 are 
now online

OK, so there was enough interest to add zip files of each parts list to the 
site. They are there now.

I have had reports of the Parts Lists not working from a hard drive.  
It seems some of the modern browsers refuse to load the files for security 
reasons; browsers from 15 years ago weren't quite as locked-down as they are 
today. There's nothing dangerous about the files, just coding anomalies that 
the browser doesn't like. If that happens to you, send me a report and I will 
see what I can do to fix it.

John P. New
'67 BJ8

Quoting jnew@hazelden.ca:

> Reinhart,
> Thanks!
> Like any website, the Parts Lists won't be accessible or usable if you 
> are offline. But there are programs (like HTTrack for Windows and 
> Linux, or SiteSucker for Mac) that will allow you to copy an entire 
> website to your hard drive. I haven't tried either of those programs 
> to see if they will work with my site, but I can't see why they 
> wouldn't.
> I guess if there is enough demand, I could post zip files of the Parts 
> Lists for download, which could then be extracted and used offline.
> John
> Quoting Reinhart Rosner <reinhart.rosner@aon.at>:
>> John,
>> what a fantastic work and how much time and knowledge are in there.
>> Is it possible to use this offline too after downloading?
>> Regards
>> Reinhart
>> Reinhart Rosner
>> 55 100 BN 1
>> Vienna â?? Austria
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces@autox.team.net] Im Auftrag von 
>> jnew@hazelden.ca
>> Gesendet: Montag, 14. Jänner 2019 17:23
>> An: healeys@autox.team.net
>> Betreff: [Healeys] Austin Healey Parts Lists for the BN4 through BJ8 
>> are now online
>> I was talking to Michael Salter yesterday and the subject came up of 
>> the LBC Digital Parts Lists that I created for the Austin-Healey more 
>> than a decade ago. Michael asked me me why I hadn't put those online; 
>> I said because of inertia (i.e. laziness), so not really a reason at all.
>> So in the spirit of community, I have put the Austin Healey Parts 
>> Lists online for all to freely use. You can see them by going to 
>> http://lbcdigital.com. These aren't just PDFs of the Parts Lists, 
>> these are transcribed, fully searchable databases that are presented 
>> in a similar format as the original publications. You can search for 
>> part numbers and keywords, and even print pages.
>> Over the years, I felt that the hundreds of hours of effort that I 
>> put in creating the Parts Lists should be rewarded and I shouldn't 
>> just give away all that work. But then I realized that the digitized 
>> Parts Lists really should belong to the Healey community. I 
>> understand now that helping to keep our Healeys on the road is the reward.
>> Enjoy!
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