In answer to Bob's question - the new head is fine. I also used the DW head
gasket which apparently will allow a couple of remakes although I hope this
won't be necessary. It's a standard head so I wasn't and don't expect any
noticeable difference in performance. It's running fine but only done a few
miles so it's early to tell yet. It's neat that the Weslake patent mark has
been copied on the new castings. Talking of Westlake, the other night I was
watching a ?TV show ( this is in the UK) where sheriffs try to get money back
for a customer as follow up to a court order. Someone here had bought a
replacement diff from a Company called Westlake and it has turned out no good.
I looked the company up and it's run by a grandson of Harry Weslake and it has
clearly lost its way. Shame.
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