You may remember I asked recently about the cracked head on my BN2. The
consensus was get a new one, which I have now done. So, Brand new Denis Welch
ally head now fitted. Bearing in mind the car was running fine before ( the
only noticeable issue was a weep from the head gasket) you can imagine my
frustration when after the new head was fitted, it was running extremely rough
and missing intermittently. Not being sure if it was electrical or fuel, I
decided to look at fuel first - reason - the carbs were way out because they
had previously been set up with one manifold drain open and one with the tube
olive in place. Must have been like that for years. So having fitted both
manifold drains properly, I got out the Colortune and carbalancer and set to
work. All great for a short run and then missing again. Looked at the HT stuff.
One HT plug cap on number 4 loose on plug. Fixed but no improvement. Took all
the plugs out. Number 4 wet and looks like it's not firing. Ohms check on
number 4 plug - very low reading shows insulation has broken down. Changed all
four plugs for new NGKs. Running better but still not happy at high revs.
Decided to fit new HT leads, condenser and points. While doing so, inside the
distributor, found two original cloth covered wires, one which grounds the
distributor base plate and the other which provides LT from the coil to the
live side of the points, hanging by a thread from very poor crimps. Replaced
both with new wire, soldered or ring crimped as necessary. At last! Sorted. I
suppose I should be grateful it never let me down all those years. But isn't it
funny how you fix something and a whole load of other problems surface?
Mike Brooks56 BN2Scotland
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