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Generally speaking, I would not recommend the installation of retractable
shoulder seat belts, period. Whether they are installed correctly or not,
they are very dangerous. Retractable seatbelts in the back seat of a
modern Volvo killed my mother because she didn't know she has to wear them
correctly. The doctor admitted to me that retractable seatbelts kill alot
of people. Basically the auto industry lobbied for retractable shoulder
seat belts because they are more comfortable for passengers, but they are
significantly less safe than fixed belts. Honestly, it's safer just to
have an old school lap belt.
Generally speaking non retractable fixed seatbelts are MUCH safer, and the
safest is when the shoulder belt is even fixed at the buckle rather than
floating at the buckle.
On the 100, you can install a hardpoint toward the back of the wheel well,
and fix the shoulder harness there. That will be quite safe.
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