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[Healeys] Hambro archives

Subject: [Healeys] Hambro archives
From: jstmorris at yahoo.com (J. Scott Morris)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 16:39:51 +0000 (UTC)
References: <1148552763.8518951.1519423816398.JavaMail.zimbra@cal.net>
Hello Ken.? Are you looking far anything specific or just a general archival??? 
Over the years I have accumulated a few files dealing with Hambro and a?few are 
attached for your interest.?--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada - Keep 
Smiling, Murphy Lives 

    On Friday, February 23, 2018 6:13 PM, "goldengt at cal.net" <goldengt at 
cal.net> wrote:

 #yiv1660757566 body 
{min-height:100%;color:#000000;font-size:12pt;font-family:arial, helvetica, 
sans-serif;}Is there such a thing as the importer/distributor for BMC Hambro 
having any acessible archives? Google search is useless these days.Ken 
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive

Healeys at autox.team.net

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Name: 1959-09 Hambro NL.doc
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Name: 1961 Takeover of Gough  Industries.doc
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Name: 1963 BMC US Sales [Desert Sun  1963-12-10].doc
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Size: 26112 bytes
Desc: not available
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Name: Hambro Automotive Corp-notes.doc
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