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[Healeys] Wheel Balancing

Subject: [Healeys] Wheel Balancing
From: mkgoodman at att.net (Mark Goodman)
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 15:42:14 +0000 (UTC)
References: <499862815.748301.1518968534417.ref@mail.yahoo.com>
I have a BJ8 and had a noticable shake a 60 to 65 MPH when I replaced and had 
all 4 wheels balanced with the traditional balance machine. I do track days 
with my M3 and have the wheels & tires balances on a road force balance machine 
and never have any out of balance vibrations at speeds well in excess of 
100MPH.? I then had the Healey wheels balanced on the same machine, and going 
over 90 MPH the car felt smooth as silk.? I highly recommend that those of you 
that have "shuttle shake" and are not near Alan Hendrix contact your local 
speed shop or Porsche repair shop and ask if they have a road force balancer.? 
It will make your driving experience more pleasurable.
Mark Goodman
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