I went to a hobby shop selling gas powered models and bought air plane fuel
line. Worked perfectly and I dropped the 2 lines thru the frame and away
from the exhaust.
On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 1:45 PM, Bob Spidell <bspidell at> wrote:
> "... The overflow pipes are directly above the exhaust pipes."
> I ran some some small fuel line off each of the overflow pipes, and
> tie-wrapped them at the chassis (hard) engine mounts. I always assumed
> these--or something like them--would be stock, but the Moss catalog doesn't
> show them. They can't hurt.
> Bob
> On 7/1/2017 10:36 AM, Fred Wescoe wrote:
> Michael,
> I agree with Bob on his comment. I just completed this on my car and the
> correct and easy way is to undo both banjo bolts. Leave everything else in
> place. This gives you great accessibility to the hose you need to
> replace. Be sure to keep control of the banjo bolt washers and as Bob
> mentioned, the mesh screen/spring.
> Another easy thing to do is loosen the bolts on the top of the float
> chambers. This will allow some movement of the tops and makes it easier to
> align the banjo bolt threads during reassembly. Be sure to tighten the
> float bowl bolts after tightening the banjo bolts. Be sure to tighten the
> hose clamps when you are finished.
> Just make sure everything is tightened up before you start the car. The
> overflow pipes are directly above the exhaust pipes.
> Fred
> 66BJ8
> 63BJ7 deceased
> On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Bob Spidell <bspidell at> wrote:
>> I haven't done this in a while, but IIRC it's easier to unbolt both
>> banjos. There should be spring-loaded 'thimble' screens in both, and you'd
>> have to twist the hose a lot to get just one in/out.
>> Bob
>> On 7/1/2017 6:38 AM, Mike Garvey wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me if it is possible to replace the short fuel hose
>> between the BJ8 carburetors without removal/loosening of one of the carbs
>> ? Maybe remove the rear carb's banjo nut?
>> Thanks, Mike
>> Michael Garvey
>> 1967 BJ8/38046
>> Swampscott, MA
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