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[Healeys] eBay body/Vin plate auctions

Subject: [Healeys] eBay body/Vin plate auctions
From: josef-eckert at t-online.de (josef-eckert at t-online.de)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 16:43:13 +0200 (MEST)
References: <033601d2e92b$b93a58c0$2baf0a40$@hunterbane.com> <cdbd4a62-fbc7-b5b9-7e86-0e282d4f9c5d@comcast.net> <07d101d2ea22$73654510$5a2fcf30$@rr.com> <017101d2ea5f$306761c0$91362540$@tpg.com.au> <17a8def8-1156-6636-1df5-94dfe5fe09d2@summaventures.com>
Years ago I was looking for a 3000 MK2. I was offered a centre shift BT7 and a 
side shift BN7 from the same dealer. On the MK2 BN 7 it was interesting to see 
that there were no seatbelt anchor plates fitted. And you could see some 
grinding marks on the upper front cross member as well and the chassis plate 
was not the original, but a new stamped part.
At the end I bought the very honest MK2 BT7, as it was absolutely original with 
the original engine fitted and I had some doubts about the BN7 which might have 
started its life as a 3000 MK1.

Josef Eckert

Betreff: Re: [Healeys] eBay body/Vin plate auctions
Datum: 2017-06-21T16:16:07+0200
Von: "Peter Dzwig" <pdzwig at summaventures.com>
An: "Patrick & Caroline Quinn" <p_cquinn at tpg.com.au>, "'BJ8Healeys'" <sbyers 
at ec.rr.com>, "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>

On 21/06/17 08:22, Patrick & Caroline Quinn wrote:
> Hello
> What I do think is patently wrong is to have a known car, then fit parts 
> and a chassis plate from a more desirable (pricey) model and then 
> claiming it is the more expensive car. Of the 640 100Ms built I am sure 
> there are 1,347 left.

No Patrick, its more like 3, 749 ;-)


> Hoo Roo
> Patrick Quinn
> Blue Mountains, Australia
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