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[Healeys] Top half car cover

Subject: [Healeys] Top half car cover
From: healeyron at yahoo.com (Ron Mitchell)
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:09:03 +0000 (UTC)
References: <294726170.11603479.1497458959470.JavaMail.zimbra@wowway.com> <1380110573.11691423.1497460623325.JavaMail.zimbra@wowway.com>
Hi Dan,I purchased my BN6 Portable Garage from ?Lee Williams several years 
ago.It would be the same for the BN7. ?He has patterns for all the Healey 
Models. ? ?Excellent quality and fast delivery. ?I'm not sure if he is still 
producing them. ?Here is his email address, leewilliams at insightbb.com , His 
phone no. is 502-777-7874. Here is a picture of his product. ?


Ron Mitchell,BN6, AN9
On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 1:23:49 PM EDT, Daniel White <healeydan at 
wowway.com> wrote:

I'm looking for what's called a "top half car cover" for my BN7. ?It covers the 
convertible top/hard top, windshield and side curtains to keep rain out of the 
cockpit/interior of the car. ?There is a posting in the archives from about 
seven years ago by Randy Hicks where he he talks about this type of cover. ?I 
Googled the mfg he mentions but am drawing a blank. I sent an email to Randy's 
address as shown in the posting but haven't heard from him.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated. ?I know, there is alwaysthe Dollar 
Store tarp and bungee cords but the car deserves better.
Thanks,Dan White1962 BN7 MK II_______________________________________________
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive

Healeys at autox.team.net

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