Hi Guys, I feel I also need to chip in a bit here. This list has been a
great resource for Healey lovers. And it goes back to a time when many
like us all of a certain age were barely comfortable with the whole
online experience. Yet we made many friends that otherwise we would have
never known in far reaches of the world. It bought us together to talk
about what we love. Yes we miss people like Rich Chrysler but would many
of us have even known him if it wasn't for the list? I would also add
Roger Moment who isn't mentioned much any more, I have had many
conversations with him also in fact he would ring me for a chat rather
than use the list. A guy on the other side of the world who wanted to
chat about Healeys. How does that happen. What the list has done is open
us all to the smaller world of the internet and many have kicking and
screaming moved to social media like facebook, which is ok as long as
you know how to use it and what to ignor. But I put this to you. Via
this list I got to Know Steve Byers. He is in America, I am in
Australia. Yet he put in a huge effort to secure a Nash Healey bonnet
for me. Never seen him face to face, yet I ended up with a bonnet I had
no hope of ever getting by myself. there are good people here, they are
the value of this list.
Larry Varley
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive