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Re: [Healeys] get a load of this one..

To: rrengineer.mike@att.net, bspidell@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] get a load of this one..
From: warthodson@aol.com
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 10:18:36 -0500
Cc: Healeys@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: healeys@autox.team.net

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This political BS is an example of why there are laws to regulate things. S=
elf regulation rarely works. Like keeping political comments off this list.=
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael MacLean <rrengineer.mike@att.net>
To: Bob Spidell <bspidell@comcast.net>
Cc: healeys <Healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, Feb 14, 2016 12:22 am
Subject: Re: [Healeys] get a load of this one..

I moved here in 1971. It was a very different place back then.  Not as crow=
ded and not as regulated in all aspects of life.  These days you can't keep=
 up with all the nanny state laws being passed every year.  You can be a la=
w abiding citizen one day and a potential felon the next.  Every year bring=
s more regulations and control over almost everything you do.  Let's not ge=
t started on the gun control issue.  Now they can take all your firearms wi=
th no crime having been committed. All someone has to do is convince a judg=
e you MIGHT do something to yourself or someone else.  If that is not the t=
hought police, I don't know what is.  Yes, you don't have to smog a car mad=
e before 1975, but every year some lame brain democrat will introduce a bil=
l to make ALL cars have to undergo smog either retro actively or be destroy=
ed even though they do not contribute even 1 percent of the smog to Califor=
nia.  That bimbo from the San Francisco are Fran Pavley tried to get all mo=
torcycles have to undergo smog tests retroactively back many years over a c=
ertain engine size.  Never mind motorcycles are not ridden as much or as of=
ten as automobiles or are a mall percentage of all vehicles on the road.  L=
uckily it was defeated.  It all started going down hill when the legislatur=
e in California went for being is session for six months out of the year to=
 year round.  Yes Bob I do feel free to leave this quagmire of rules and co=
ntrol of personal liberties. Every one of my hobbies I will pursue when I r=
etire is now being controlled by either the state of California or as in my=
 radio control hobby the federal government being the FAA in particular.  T=
he FAA wants to treat my 7 pound model airplane that does not fly out of my=
 sight or place anyone or anything in danger like all aircraft and make me =
be licensed to fly it. of course the license is not free.  You have to pay =
for the government to control you.  I retire from the railroad at the end o=
f the year and am seriously eyeing Arizona as a retirement destination.  At=
 least there I don't worry about  an new firearm law being passed every 5 m=
Mike MacLean =20



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<font color=3D'black' size=3D'2' face=3D'arial'>
<div>This&nbsp;political BS is an example of why there are laws to regulate=
 things.&nbsp;Self regulation rarely works. Like keeping political comments=
 off this list. </div>




<div style=3D"color: black; font-family: arial,helvetica; font-size: 10pt;"=
>-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Michael MacLean &lt;rrengineer.mike@att.net&gt;<br>
To: Bob Spidell &lt;bspidell@comcast.net&gt;<br>
Cc: healeys &lt;Healeys@autox.team.net&gt;<br>
Sent: Sun, Feb 14, 2016 12:22 am<br>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] get a load of this one..<br>

<div id=3D"AOLMsgPart_1.2_f1b838fc-5381-4a30-a232-50879d1d3d37">

<div class=3D"aolReplacedBody">
<div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: times new roman, new york, =
times, serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1455427533455_60610" dir=3D"ltr">I moved here in 19=
71. It was a very different place back then.&nbsp; Not as crowded and not a=
s regulated in all aspects of life.&nbsp; These days you can't keep up with=
 all the nanny state laws being passed every year.&nbsp; You can be a law a=
biding citizen one day and a potential felon the next.&nbsp; Every year bri=
ngs more regulations and control over almost everything you do.&nbsp; Let's=
 not get started on the gun control issue.&nbsp; Now they can take all your=
 firearms with no crime having been committed. All someone has to do is con=
vince a judge you MIGHT do something to yourself or someone else.&nbsp; If =
that is not the thought police, I don't know what is.&nbsp; Yes, you don't =
have to smog a car made before 1975, but every year some lame brain democra=
t will introduce a bill to make ALL cars have to undergo smog either retro =
actively or be destroyed even though they do not contribute even 1 percent =
of the smog to California.&nbsp; That bimbo from the San Francisco are Fran=
 Pavley tried to get all motorcycles have to undergo smog tests retroactive=
ly back many years over a certain engine size.&nbsp; Never mind motorcycles=
 are not ridden as much or as often as automobiles or are a mall percentage=
 of all vehicles on the road.&nbsp; Luckily it was defeated.&nbsp; It all s=
tarted going down hill when the legislature in California went for being is=
 session for six months out of the year to year round.&nbsp; Yes Bob I do f=
eel free to leave this quagmire of rules and control of personal liberties.=
 Every one of my hobbies I will pursue when I retire is now being controlle=
d by either the state of California or as in my radio control hobby the fed=
eral government being the FAA in particular.&nbsp; The FAA wants to treat m=
y 7 pound model airplane that does not fly out of my sight or place anyone =
or anything in danger like all aircraft and make me be licensed to fly it. =
of course the license is not free.&nbsp; You have to pay for the government=
 to control you.&nbsp; I retire from the railroad at the end of the year an=
d am seriously eyeing Arizona as a retirement destination.&nbsp; At least t=
here I don't worry about&nbsp; an new firearm law being passed every 5 minu=

<div dir=3D"ltr">Mike MacLean&nbsp; <br>

<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1455427533455_60186"><span></span></div>
<div class=3D"qtdSeparateBR"><br>

<div class=3D"yahoo_quoted" style=3D"display: block;">=20
<div style=3D"font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-si=
ze: 16px;">=20
<div style=3D"font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial,=
 Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">=20
<div dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">&nbsp;</font></div>

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