Nine years after I first thought about it and 16 years after I started
to restore BN1 #724, I am back to looking for a source for the rubber
piping that trims out the edge of the smaller instrument pod as it
attaches to the main dash piece.
In 2005 Allen Miller Found a good source at Paul Beck Vintage Supplies
in Norfolk England, items RM67 and RM68. But PBVS is no more and
their successor no longer stocks that beading although their website
shows its shape. It had a small quarter-round bead and closely
resembled the remnants that were on my dash when I disassembled it 16
years back. Looks like I was six months too late.
Rich Chrysler thought that the bumper overrider rubber got the job
done, although it looks a bit bulky to me.
Has anyone recently reinvented this 'wheel', and found the perfect