Patrick and Andy,
<< these three Pathe News films are well worthwhile. >>
Very worthwhile viewing indeed ! My head being totally stuck in the past,
I thoroughly enjoyed watching them several times.
Remarkable how "rough and ready" the factories were in those days, with the
furnace guys wearing everyday suit jackets and molten metal splashing
around. And the painter spraying without a mask like he was watering his
I worked in a plant making car springs during high school, picking glowing
red-hot spring leaves off the belt and punching holes in them. For a joke,
the guy behind would light old gloves and coffee cups into a merry blaze on
the belt, and would laugh when your sleeve caught fire as you reached behind
to pick up the next spring leaf. The noise from the mini-furnaces on the
lines was deafening, probably 120 decibels or so ( used a decibel meter as
part of my job years later). The day I started and shouted a comment about
the noise, the foreman said: "You get used to it. If it bothers you, stick
a bit of kleenex in your ears". I can hardly hear the phone held up to my
left ear now.
And remarkable too, how these same engines have held up over the decades and
continue to provide so much enjoyment.