It appears you now have good info as to location of the BN1 plastic ID
plate. If you want absolute location, look for marks left by the four screws
on the metal frame behind the left kick panel. These marks were made at the
factory when the ID plate was fastened to the kick panel. I have seen
several BN1's with these screw marks.
Craig Rice
BN1 & BN2
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2014 10:09 AM
Subject: [Healeys] BN1 vin plate location
>I am preparing to have my early BN1, which is complete, but disassembled,
> shipped from Canada to the USA. I plan to apply for a "non-highway" title
> in
> the state of Kansas when it arrives. I have the plastic ID (VIN) plate
> which I
> understands goes somewhere inside the passenger compartment. Is there a
> clear
> photo documentation available showing the location of this plate? Also, I
> do
> not recall reading about this particular plate in any of the Healey books,
> but
> I could have easily forgotten about that reference. If there is such a
> reference I would appreciate knowing where to look.
> Thanks,
> Gary H
> _______________________________________________