Depends. If it is a single line brake system bleeding will not help as
the pressure left and right will be the same. If it is a dual line
system bleeding the system may help, but only if the system is split
F.R/R.L. versus F.L/ R.R. This is however not likely as on UK cars of
the era the system is usually split front versus rear.
I guess the front brake on the other side it is pulling is at fault,
which in fact means both front brakes need to be dismantled, inspected
and serviced/repaired. Never do one side only.
Kees Oudesluijs
Op 12-2-2013 17:46, Simon Lachlan schreef:
> If a car pulls to one side and dips to that side, then isn't one correct in
> thinking that the other front side's brake needs bleeding? Or at least that
> it isn't working so well?
> Let's ignore all other reasons for this problem.....only bleeding related
> answers will be considered at this stage, as the examiners used to say.
> Thanks,
> Simon