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[Healeys] 100 MPH Club

Subject: [Healeys] 100 MPH Club
From: austin.healey at gmail.com (Chris Dimmock)
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 19:27:10 +1000
References: <>
Hey John,
At Eastern Creek raceway, with a 3.9:1 diff, and 195x60x15 tyres, I run out of
revs about 2/3rds of the way down the front straight. I have to lift off at
just over 6,000 rpm in overdrive top, and feather it  I haven't looked down at
the speedo, (tacho is on top of the dash) but by my calculations that's pretty
close to 150 mph
Then you turn left, still at full throttle.....

Denis Welch pulled around 8,500 rpm in overdrive top on Conrod straight at
Bathurst, with a 4.8 diff & FIA tyres, passing Peter Hopwood, in the 1998
Healey races. He hit the speed trap at the Chase at just over 180mph.


Sent from my iPhone

On 11/04/2012, at 2:13 PM, john spaur <jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> We all know that Donald Healey was a member of the 200 MPH club.
> I am wondering how many people have exceeded 100 MPH while driving an
> Many years ago, while a junior or senior in high school, me and two of my
friends hit 110 MPH on a deserted stretch of freeway. It took a while to get
up to that speed and we were going up a slight incline. The front end felt
like it was riding on a marshmellow.
> Anyone have a story they are willing to share?

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