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[Healeys] Rick Regan

Subject: [Healeys] Rick Regan
From: sbyers at ec.rr.com (BJ8 Healeys)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:41:12 -0400
Hello, Healeyphiles -
Does anyone have any contact information for Rick Regan, of Tsawwassen, BC
(last I heard)?  The e-mail address I have for him that always worked before
doesn't now.  I can't find him in either the AHCA Membership Directory or
the AHCUSA Resource Book.  An owner of one of the last BJ8s (43012) has
turned up with an interesting story about how the car ended up in the
Seattle junkyard where Rick found it in 1981.  Rick sold it on to someone in
Australia as it was.
Steve Byers
BJ8 Registry
Havelock, NC

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