Thanks Kees.
No, the valve is plumbed in at the tee piece on top of the rocker box
and connects to the inlet using the tapping to back of the inlet
manifold. The whistling noise is definitely from the front of the
engine and only when there is a high vacuum. I have a Monza style
filler on the rocker cover on which I have blocked the breather hole
as Norman recommends. When the filler is open (no vacuum) then the
whistle stops. Also if I pull the dip stick, allowing air in that way,
the whistle also clears.
On 26/03/2012, Oudesluys <coudesluijs at> wrote:
> It is not the valve itself that makes a whistling noise?
> Kees Oudesluijs
(______________ Alan Bromfield_______________)
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