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[Healeys] Fwd: Fake BMIHT Certificates

Subject: [Healeys] Fwd: Fake BMIHT Certificates
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:13:07 -0800
References: <1326556934.12090.YahooMailClassic@web161203.mail.bf1.yahoo.com> <4F11B710.3080006@comcast.net> <004501ccd2e2$85c035b0$9140a110$@net>

Thanks for a valuable service.  Do you coordinate with Bill Meade of the 'M' 


On 1/14/2012 9:32 AM, Rich Chrysler wrote:
> Interesting about the BMIHT certificates possibly being faked. We were
> recently able to help establish one of the 100M cars seeming not quite right
> during an inquiry by a prospective buyer. We carefully checked the numbers
> against what we have in the Hundred Registry. Body numbers and date
> sequences being quite out of whack was a first tip off to have the
> prospective buyer check deeper with BMIHT who confirmed the discrepancies.
> Meanwhile I personally contacted the legitimate owner I currently have the
> chassis number listed for and the discrepancy immediately came to light.
> Yes, we Registrars can be useful from time to time.
> Rich Chrysler
> Hundred Registrar

Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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