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Re: [Healeys] Possible explanation on the Petronix positive ground

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Possible explanation on the Petronix positive ground
From: "chris.masucci@alumni.rutgers.edu" <csooch1@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 10:29:22 -0500 (EST)
Hi Bob,

I ran into this when I first installed my Pertronix on my positive ground BJ8.
I found that the Pertronix doesn't draw as much current as points and
therefore does not create enough of a magnetic field with only one loop on the
back of the tach.  I ended up splicing in some thin wire so I could make 3 or
4 loops where there would normally only be one and that made the tach very
responsive and accurate.

You might try this.

BJ8...in the final bodywork stages

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Brown blkbt7@yahoo.com
To: Healey List <healeys@autox.team.net>
Cc: Maurice Martin <mauricemar@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 4:20 pm
Subject: [Healeys] Fw: Possible explanation on the Petronix positive ground
and Smith loop style Tach

A club member recently installed a Petronix ignition in his positive ground
ar fine s fine but the tachometer does not operate.  This is of course
t is not connected.

everal attempts to wire to operate the tach
hve proven unsuccessful. He has
alked with Petronix tech support but they
ould not provide a definitive
nswer. I'm sure there are many positive
round BJ8's in the owrld that have
roperly functioning tachometers.  What
s the wiring??

ur club member sent me the following, which he now
elieves to be his best and
ossibly only option. I'm sure Niosonger knows
ore about this than I do but I
ave never heard that a paoistive ground BJ8
ach will not work unless rebuilt
s they state. A fair amount of cash has
ecently gone into this car and I hate
o see him spend more needlessly.

I spoke to the owner at Nisonger Instruments.  They rebuild
he Smith
agues...Anyway...I mentioned I was going to sen him my tach and
peedo for
ebuilding this winter...he casually asked about if I had
onverted to
lectronic distributor...and the truth came out.   The Petronix
e says is not
ompatible with the loop tach style Smith gauge.  So they can
ebuild the
ach...to look authentic, but add electronics.  See link below.
e said they
ebuild a few hundred a year like this.  Not sure why it is not

o as you saw with my car...if you wire the coil and
istributor as Petronix
nstructs...it works fine...you do have to remove the
ires from the harness
hat used to terminate at the coil.  But apparently
ou no amount of tweaking
ill get the old tach to work."

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