By theory You are all right, but practicaly the WBO worked perfectly on the
car. It reacted at the slightest adjustment of the mixture or alteration of
the needle/spring/oil/fuel level. I think under normal operating
conditions, the front cylinders are fed at least 90% by the front carb and
the reasr by the rear carb. I my opinion, we dont need any more
"perfection" on our engines. Working out the tree carb would realy be
challenging, though I think with a good balace-tool, it would still be
possible to achieve a good result.
2011/11/17 Per Schoerner <healeyguy at>
> Gergo
> You are forgetting that the two carburettors are mounted on a common
> intake manifold, so both carbs feed all 6 cylinders. I theory, and I think
> also in practice, you would be able to run the engine with only one
> carburettor. It will not run very well but still be running on all
> cylinders. As someone mentioned, the three carb model doesn't have this
> common intake.
> Per in Sweden
> Austin Healey skrev 2011-11-17 08:18:
> The device I use is driven by a wideband lambda sensor, which can be put
>> into the downpipes. We have two on the Healey, soo it gives spot-on
>> measurements for each carbs. Some devices can even handle two wideband
>> sensors at one time, soo You can adjust the carbs simultanously. Not mine
>> unfortunatly, but I will update to a twin-sensor soon.
>> The main profit of the gas analizer is that You can see the mixture under
>> real driving conditions: under load, decelarating, hard acceleration etc.
>> Gergo
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