Peter -
Reported on the list several times apparently there is a raft of
synchroniser cones out there which have a slightly incorrect cone angle,
causing the the synchronisers not to grab very well. So if the box was
rebuilt, they may have used these bad cones.
As far as I am aware, the only real solution is to take the box out and
replace the cones with proper cones from a Healey parts specialist who
knows where to source the correct cones.
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Peter & Veronica <greylinn at>wrote:
> Gb day list
> One of our new Queensland members has just taken delivery of his b newb
> BT7. It was restored some years ago by a specialist and has done relatively
> few miles since. One thing thatb s a puzzle is that the gearbox is very
> b notchyb for want of a better word. Ib ve driven it and although Ib m
> not that familiar with 4 speed side-shift boxes, I found it very hard to
> get
> into gear. It seems almost to hit a b stopb ie there is a great deal of
> resistance that takes a heftier (in my view) shove to overcome than it
> should.
> The gearbox was apparently overhauled during the restoration, although we
> donb t know the extent of that. We are told that the detent balls and
> springs
> were replaced before the car was sent up to Queensland in an attempt to
> resolve the problem b which it clearly hasnb t!
> Any thoughts?
> Peter Linn
> Brisbane Oz
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