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[Healeys] Transmission-Overdrive locked up

Subject: [Healeys] Transmission-Overdrive locked up
From: jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net (john spaur)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 11:10:22 -0700
References: <>
Many thanks to those that replied with possible solutions to the problem.

I replaced the clutch springs and that cured the lock up.


At 06:55 PM 8/29/2011 -0700, you wrote:
>After bolting the trans and OD together the OD will not move and 
>when the transmission is in gear it will not move either. All I 
>could garner from the archives is that the OD brake ring or clutch 
>assembly might be locked due to weak clutch springs. They were a 
>little shorter than spec.
>Do I need to replace the set of 8 springs or is there another problem?
>John Spaur
>'62 BT7

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